Hehe, hearing your free to shield bash and choose what is in each hand reminds me of a Gamefaqs board thread for Monster Hunter. Basicly someone slipped up by typing Dual Shields instead of Dual Swords, but the idea did sound pretty cool. Now imagine dual shield bash a path through enemies to get companions through, maybe it's just me but that sounds fun, the ultimate tank character

Anyway, dual spells sound good too, especially the power-up from have the same spell in each hand. Radiant Story sounds more like the story changes depending on how you interact with the skyrim world. Take Oblivion for example, once you completed Kvatch's quest the gates started opening and then nothing, daedra just milled around outside gates waiting for you to close them. So perhaps it'll be more that the storyline is affect by you do or fail to do, like releasing the dragons gets towns attacked, if you fail to save them and they were part of the story, then the story changes to a new path to reflect your actions. Man, Skyrim is gonna be resource heavy if it is...