Sorry but players who bought the game found more problems then Bethesda, during testing of the game for more than a year of testing, in a matter of weeks.Determination.I think that makes your point invalid.
How do you know how many bugs the testers found?
Either way, Bethesda can't hire enough testers to cover everything. And of course you are going to find bugs when you release it and masses start to use it.
well not to pile you all togetherbut pc gamers partially have themselves to blame hereif it wasn't for the dwindling sales figures of PC games due to piracy they'd still have an incentive to make games for PCthat and gaming becoming more and more mainstreamas it stands there's simply way more money to be made on the consolesit's just business.
Oh please, it's not piracy.
There is more to be made from consoles. Consoles are plug and play, you stick the disk in and go. Lots of people flock to them because of simplicity and they provide a standard. PCs vary, PCs have hundreds of different hardware and software combinations (At least). Developing for a console is easier due to the standard hardware and mostly controlled environment. With a PC you can have a bunch of different antivirus programs, different firewalls, drivers, hardware, various types of software running on the machine, etc.. It's a lot of stuff to take into account and impossible to test for everything.
Furthermore, even if this statement was true, I would in no way blame myself for piracy. I don't pirate games, and you don't know the OP does either. So in what way is " pc gamers partially have themselves to blame" a valid response? Like my influence is going to stop some one from pirating a game? Yeah right. That will be about as effective as DRM. Which, by the way, companies could save money if they stopped putting these stupid cracked-within-a-day DRM implementations on their games. It would also help if they didn't charge so much money for stupid games (Seriously, IMO Diablo 3 is not worth $60 or whatever it's going to be. Torchlight 2 is a nice $20, and this game has so much content + mods to come that it makes the price worth it). Edit: Honestly I think piracy is just an excuse.
If I got a game that was designed for the PC, priced reasonably and included modding I would buy it in a heartbeat (provided it wasn't a style of game I don't like, such as racing).
Edit: To note, I bought the game knowing it might not work. But since the other TES and Fallout games they made have worked reasonably well I took the risk. I am glad I did too. I have had very little CTDs (Most of which were caused by me alt-tabbing). And very few (basically no) glitches. I also have had the performance of the game improve since the patch (I haven't had a CTD alt-tabbing yet) and my resistances and such work fine.