Skyrim game is weird, not bugged...

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:55 pm

*moderator note: Don't call other member kids or accuse them of illegal activity lest you be warned*

OP - you realize Skyrim is going to be Game of the Year, right? Yes, EVEN with the messed up patch.

2 dozen different games are going to be Game of the Year, same as every year.
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David Chambers
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:26 am

face it OP you are just mad because you were not given top priority like you PC elitists always expect.

Anyone else read this and think how TES was PC exclusive.

To the OP:
Nethesda started [censored] up gameplay wise when it embrassed console as the development base.
You are aware that they haven t done better because of the XBOX limitation aren t you ?
We ALL got an XBOX game with all the space limitations it gets.

If you can t fill the right thing in a DVD, you can t ship it to an XBOX.
We got a game done by the lowest comon denominator.

Yup. Morrowind was the last that was exclusive to the PC upon release and was later ported to the xbox. Both Oblivion and Skyrim were basically developed for console.

Also I wouldn't take Game of the Year as meaning very much. They will consider game reviews put up by the more established groups (ex. IGN) who are probably pocketed and take into consideration how successful the game was based on sales. Good sales don't reflect the quality of a game but rather good marketing tactics.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:14 am

First thing I see is pie and I just stop reading....Mmmmmm pie.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:06 pm

Anyone else read this and think how TES was PC exclusive.

Yup. Morrowind was the last that was exclusive to the PC upon release and was later ported to the xbox. Both Oblivion and Skyrim were basically developed for console.

Also I wouldn't take Game of the Year as meaning very much. They will consider game reviews put up by the more established groups (ex. IGN) who are probably pocketed and take into consideration how successful the game was based on sales. Good sales don't reflect the quality of a game but rather good marketing tactics.

well not to pile you all together
but pc gamers partially have themselves to blame here
if it wasn't for the dwindling sales figures of PC games due to piracy they'd still have an incentive to make games for PC

that and gaming becoming more and more mainstream
as it stands there's simply way more money to be made on the consoles
it's just business.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:39 am

Yeah...Xbox 360 with no issues here. It's frozen on me once, it's gorgeous, it's immersive, and WTF are you talking about?

Play something else, then, [censored]. I was utterly lost to this game as soon as I saw Alduin speak at the beginning of the game and turn the sky stormy (utterly metal).

Also, you've started as a blank-slate prisoner since Morrowind. If you want a backstory, think one up. RPGs used to be ALL imagination, so I think you can manage a little.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:48 am

Sorry but players who bought the game found more problems then Bethesda, during testing of the game for more than a year of testing, in a matter of weeks.Determination.I think that makes your point invalid.

How do you know how many bugs the testers found?

Either way, Bethesda can't hire enough testers to cover everything. And of course you are going to find bugs when you release it and masses start to use it.

well not to pile you all togetherbut pc gamers partially have themselves to blame hereif it wasn't for the dwindling sales figures of PC games due to piracy they'd still have an incentive to make games for PCthat and gaming becoming more and more mainstreamas it stands there's simply way more money to be made on the consolesit's just business.

Oh please, it's not piracy.

There is more to be made from consoles. Consoles are plug and play, you stick the disk in and go. Lots of people flock to them because of simplicity and they provide a standard. PCs vary, PCs have hundreds of different hardware and software combinations (At least). Developing for a console is easier due to the standard hardware and mostly controlled environment. With a PC you can have a bunch of different antivirus programs, different firewalls, drivers, hardware, various types of software running on the machine, etc.. It's a lot of stuff to take into account and impossible to test for everything.

Furthermore, even if this statement was true, I would in no way blame myself for piracy. I don't pirate games, and you don't know the OP does either. So in what way is " pc gamers partially have themselves to blame" a valid response? Like my influence is going to stop some one from pirating a game? Yeah right. That will be about as effective as DRM. Which, by the way, companies could save money if they stopped putting these stupid cracked-within-a-day DRM implementations on their games. It would also help if they didn't charge so much money for stupid games (Seriously, IMO Diablo 3 is not worth $60 or whatever it's going to be. Torchlight 2 is a nice $20, and this game has so much content + mods to come that it makes the price worth it). Edit: Honestly I think piracy is just an excuse.

If I got a game that was designed for the PC, priced reasonably and included modding I would buy it in a heartbeat (provided it wasn't a style of game I don't like, such as racing).

Edit: To note, I bought the game knowing it might not work. But since the other TES and Fallout games they made have worked reasonably well I took the risk. I am glad I did too. I have had very little CTDs (Most of which were caused by me alt-tabbing). And very few (basically no) glitches. I also have had the performance of the game improve since the patch (I haven't had a CTD alt-tabbing yet) and my resistances and such work fine.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:47 am

First part was all nonsense and hard to read but this part especially.... definately a Japanese youngin brought up on Pokemon or Menga or whatever who doesn't understand Western games...

1 - Only YOU hate it, your a fool seriously, you come to Bethesda's official forums and post rubbish like this? What an insult! Go back to your Pokemon seriously and leave the real games to us.
2 - Most people are not having problems with the game you fool, the only ones who come here have issues the rest are busy playing it! Level 24-65 hours in not ONE bug not ONE crash on the PS3 version. Basically just go away.....
3 - It is their choice to do WHATEVER they want to streamline THEIR games, don't like it? Then once again go back to WOW or Pokemon. They can't please everyone especially trolls....
4 - What? What funny Japanese potions have you been quaffing? Seriously? English for starters?
5 - Because you are Japanese and their not .....

Basically your a noob who has NO clue and having played all the TES series going back to 94 your a disgrace, what an insult to the GOTY.

You made me lol hard, I know about Japanese version from YouTube, and it sounds golden.
So, I'm a noob who has no clue and a disgrace that played all TES games since 94 ?
Well done.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:53 am

As far as Skyrim goes I don't even know why I was arrested and imprisoned,

I lost the will to read further than this, I mean I've heard of short attention spans, but this has to take the cake.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:58 am

I get the feeling the OP is pulling our legs here. No-one can honestly have the opinions he/she has and stand seriously behind them. It's pointless complain all over the post, so it can't possibly be a serious post of opinion.

I also like pie. (which is the point of this thread)
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TOYA toys
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:45 am

The staff over there do a great thing for us giving so much time up of their personal lives to give us a great game like Skyrim.

Are you talking about the staff who WORK at Bethesda, and get PAID to do this, or the modders, who, long after Bethesda has stopped doing anything for the game, continue to fix the problems and make it better, while not receiving a single dime for all of their work?

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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:44 am

Are you talking about the staff who WORK at Bethesda, and get PAID to do this, or the modders, who, long after Bethesda has stopped doing anything for the game, continue to fix the problems and make it better, while not receiving a single dime for all of their work?


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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:30 pm


That what?

So modders made
Modders made the expansions, the DLC?
Modders made the engine, the SDK, the [censored] GAME?

No, modders are not gods, they did not made everything, and they would've probably made nothing if Bethesda wouldn't made it so.
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:10 pm

That what?

So modders made
Modders made the expansions, the DLC?
Modders made the engine, the SDK, the [censored] GAME?

No, modders are not gods, they did not made everything, and they would've probably made nothing if Bethesda wouldn't made it so.

Exactly. Bethesda is nice enough to ALLOW us to mod the game. I've modded the hell out of Morrowind, and I'm not even that good at modding. Once you learn it, it's basically the same thing over and over again. Modding is not that complicated. Bethesda didn't mod the game, they created the resources TO mod the game. Modders don't get money because, believe or not, they aren't making mods out of the kindness of their hearts, they want more content, so they create it. That's how good the game is, people want to extend the time they can play it. And out of all the extra content to choose from in Morrowind, I'll take Bloodmoon over any mod made for it. My computer isn't good enough for Oblivion, but I've heard from most of my friends that they prefer Shivering Isles to most the user created content.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:47 pm

...Collecting Shouts is always great, until you find duplicates. So far I found 4 Frost Breath words, and 4 Whirlwind words...

...As far as Skyrim goes I don't even know why I was arrested and imprisoned, while that much was hinted in Morrowind...

I laughed at both of these parts, for the "duplicate" words, there are multiple words you can find per shout to make it stronger, I imagine this is what you're thinking. (And there's only 3 for each, so I'd recheck your word list.)

As for knowing why you're a prisoner in Skyrim, if you would've listened at the beginning, they explain you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The "horse thief" reiterates this when he exclaims, "You and I shouldn't even be here! We're not with these stormcloaks!" (Or something similar, can't remember word for word.) In Morrowind, you're just dropped off and all they tell you is you have your freedom, that's it. Skyrim's beginning makes WAY more sense and is more in favor of having a pure character. If I'm making "good guy Greg" as my character, then why the hell is he starting in jail?! Skyrim at least lets good characters begin untainted.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:43 am

OP is wrong, not right.....
And this is why OP should quit forum-posting....
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:35 am

How do you know how many bugs the testers found?

Either way, Bethesda can't hire enough testers to cover everything. And of course you are going to find bugs when you release it and masses start to use it.

Oh please, it's not piracy.

There is more to be made from consoles. Consoles are plug and play, you stick the disk in and go. Lots of people flock to them because of simplicity and they provide a standard. PCs vary, PCs have hundreds of different hardware and software combinations (At least). Developing for a console is easier due to the standard hardware and mostly controlled environment. With a PC you can have a bunch of different antivirus programs, different firewalls, drivers, hardware, various types of software running on the machine, etc.. It's a lot of stuff to take into account and impossible to test for everything.

Furthermore, even if this statement was true, I would in no way blame myself for piracy. I don't pirate games, and you don't know the OP does either. So in what way is " pc gamers partially have themselves to blame" a valid response? Like my influence is going to stop some one from pirating a game? Yeah right. That will be about as effective as DRM. Which, by the way, companies could save money if they stopped putting these stupid cracked-within-a-day DRM implementations on their games. It would also help if they didn't charge so much money for stupid games (Seriously, IMO Diablo 3 is not worth $60 or whatever it's going to be. Torchlight 2 is a nice $20, and this game has so much content + mods to come that it makes the price worth it). Edit: Honestly I think piracy is just an excuse.

If I got a game that was designed for the PC, priced reasonably and included modding I would buy it in a heartbeat (provided it wasn't a style of game I don't like, such as racing).

Edit: To note, I bought the game knowing it might not work. But since the other TES and Fallout games they made have worked reasonably well I took the risk. I am glad I did too. I have had very little CTDs (Most of which were caused by me alt-tabbing). And very few (basically no) glitches. I also have had the performance of the game improve since the patch (I haven't had a CTD alt-tabbing yet) and my resistances and such work fine.

Very well said.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:36 pm

I laughed at both of these parts, for the "duplicate" words, there are multiple words you can find per shout to make it stronger, I imagine this is what you're thinking. (And there's only 3 for each, so I'd recheck your word list.)

As for knowing why you're a prisoner in Skyrim, if you would've listened at the beginning, they explain you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The "horse thief" reiterates this when he exclaims, "You and I shouldn't even be here! We're not with these stormcloaks!" (Or something similar, can't remember word for word.) In Morrowind, you're just dropped off and all they tell you is you have your freedom, that's it. Skyrim's beginning makes WAY more sense and is more in favor of having a pure character. If I'm making "good guy Greg" as my character, then why the hell is he starting in jail?! Skyrim at least lets good characters begin untainted.

You can have up to 3 words per shout, you get the second word for Whirlwind from the monks, I found 4 in the world.
Learn to read.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:34 pm

I would like Bethesda to do something.

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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:14 am

I would like Bethesda to do something. Of course expecting an aswer is impossible, I would sooner be banned from the Bethesda forums (not the first time btw).

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No. Any new accounts that we can reasonably link to your old account will be banned upon sight." :thumbsup:
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:06 am

Lets see you make a world that big, with 150 places to explore, great graphics and 150+ quests. Without any bugs.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:34 am

If Bethesda stopped making games I'd have nothing to play. Maybe Forza, but decent single player rpgs are few and far between.
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:51 am

I'd like to ask people a simple question:

What is the border between "beta state which still needs a lot of testing" and "gold state but some bugs unexpectedly appeared"

I don't expect Bethesda to be able to iron out every single bug before release. But as you can see, they quickly released patches, each with not so impressive list of bugs fixed, and there are still lots of bugs that was found by people and needs to be fixed. This certainly brings a question: "have they done enough testing to call it complete?"

If you have to patch a game a few times before the most important bugs are fixed, then you didn't sell a completed game: you sold a beta game, and your QA team paid you to test it.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:49 pm

I got this DVD that came with the game showing the making of Skyrim. What i saw was a bunch of average joes like you and me, going to work, and doing their job, that you the customer pays them for. I saw a bunch of people sitting around a table with charts, and graphs up on the wall. this shwoed me exactly what goes on in thier world. They are working at a job. its a business. big business and it is thier business. we are the consumer, they make the product. we as the consumer have only a small idea of what goes on with their business. we only come here to play their game. We aren't programming code in one of thier offices.

Todd Howard, as influential as he is in the gaming industry is your typical Boss, One guy basically said that one week hes like "yeah go team" and another week he's like "hurry up! we got a deadline to meet, you code monkeys are not going fast enough!" while he doesnt say it exactly that way, that is the message he is trying to get across. typical boss. Interested in making the company money. and I don't blame him as with any company it is about the bottom line. But to work there you really gotta love what you do. It takes a passion that the average person doesn't have. its probably a very tough, and strenuous job, especially if you are not 100% dedicated to it. I can only imagine the kind of absolute HELL the forum moderators of this site must go through every day alone. Also on the DVD i noticed the game did things the final product didnt do. For instance the graphics were toned down...Severely. Voice acting was different for some characters, these were all probably last minute decisions that were made upon release. them probably saying okay this is a good enough product for release...lets get it out on time guys.

Bethesda likes to Not make promises they cannot keep, which I think is perfectly okay, and when they do promise something, they try their damndest to keep it. but I remember that these people are not perfect Code machines. I think this game was a labor of love, and it really shows. I think they should have spent 6 years on it to be perfectly honest, but the gaming community, and the time/money constraints will not allow such a thing to occur, so they have to figure out how to spend as much time as they can on it, and as within budget as they can, and still do a good job. its very hard to balance out such things. And to top off this [censored] sandwich, they have all these customers who make all thes elists of every single solitary thing they could find that they didnt like about the game, and complain about it on thier public forum. Even I am guilty of that But above all else, I love Skyrim. It is a masterpiece. I can't wait for the CK to come out so I can start making my own Content for it.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:20 pm

Yes, they are making a product
Yes we are customers
We are unhappy customers
Because we bought a product that was not fully tested
We have every right to be angry

Masterpiece does not mean superior in graphics, this is far from being a masterpiece.
This game is far from finished.
Oblivion was most enjoyable because of Modders work, they fixed the game, not Bethesda.
And the same will be for Skyrim. Because this is a sad truth.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:16 am

OP has a couple of valid points buried in there, but is otherwise off his rocker.

Quoted because there needs to be more truth and sanity on this board.

Also, I like PIE! :shocking:
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