repetition is fine and dandy once a thread reaches it's post limit. until then, repetitive new threads do nothing other than clutter the forums. they also don't allow for a nice discussion flow as it's spread across 50 different threads.
both the issue of being a port and pc specs have been discussed in great length. it would just be nice if people did a quick search for topics before creating new ones to further clutter the forums.
You mean like the other 50 or so threads each about races, perks, attributes, screenshots, horses, how awesome Skyrim is going to be, character creation, armor, realism, immersion, romance, combat, etc etc etc etc? ..may as well just have a forum with static topics titled like "perks", "armor", "immersion", "adulation", etc etc, make everyone post under those topics and not allow them to post new topics.
I mean, what topic has not been beaten to death about a game that's 5 months away from being released?
On Topic: I believe the game engine is multi-platform, so I guess technically is not being ported, however it is being designed for xbox 360, then it will be adapted for play on PC and PS3 which for PS3 won't mean much in terms of gameplay, but for people who are used to play PC games with PC interfaces, they will see a big difference, and it will not be positive.