I read an article, and I admit I don't know how accurate it is, that in Skyrim the player will level faster and I can only assume they mean faster than Oblivion. I really wouldn't like that. I think you level way too fast in Oblivion and most modern RPGs, it takes a lot of the fun out of it for me. In my opinion it should be something you have to work at a bit, not grind, but work at. It should be a special occasion, not something that happens every day.
But in just about every RPG I can think of in the last nine years or so you level up very quickly and I have to ask who likes it like that? It seems like one of the very first mods that comes out for any game is often a level slow mod, so who are they catering for? Do they imagine the casual console gamers will just get bored if they have to work too hard to level up and earn gold (that's a whole different subject)? If that's the case why couldn't they have an option in the game preferences so you could set it yourself, something like Normal, Slow, and Very Slow levelling?
But everyone's different of course so tell me what you think, and let me know what your platform is so hopefully someone will take note. I'm on the 360 myself and I would set it to Very Slow Levelling and Very Low Loot.
Many thanks.
From what I understand it was through balancing that they came to the conclusion that you needed to lvl faster. I think it comes with the fact that there's greater emphesis on the fact that you specialize and personalize through upgrades, and so in the beginning you need to lvl faster in order quickly go down a certain path, I think leveling is probably only quick at the beginning, and probably only if you specialize in a few skills, given that the higher some skills are, the more they contribute to the overall level, so if someone doesn't specialize, they actually level slowly. I don't know how it's gonna function in game, but I'm not too worried, if leveling up has become part of customization ,than I'll be fine with it going quickly at the beginning.
Naturally, it's gonna level slower the higher you get in level regardless.