» Fri May 27, 2011 4:11 am
If you define "mainstream" in such a manner that includes scripted FPS and RPG players in addition to open style unscripted RPG players, then Skyrim could definitely be more mainstream than Oblivion.
Fallout 3 and New Vegas provide incremental examples of this.
o Now we get reminders of unfinished quests each time the game loads in case we forget how to open the Pip Boy quest screen.
o We get VATS so that we do not accidentally miss when we shoot at someone.
o In one NV quest we could not even be bothered with walking to the quest location. Once I agreed to go with this person, Fast Travel automatically took over.
o New Vegas developers built invisible walls around things to prevent access from alternative directions, for reasons that I am scared to speculate about. Considering that when the walls were removed, one quest became much easier, I think that it was to preserve the holiness of the quest.
o Not only does the compass and Pip Boy show quest locations, we now get a dotted line to show the direct route to the location, presumably because no one can read maps? I was always amazed in FO3 how everyone knew how to enter a location into my Pip Boy. By NV, I was no longer amazed.
o The game was quick to tell you whether interactions were available based on PC skill, and they they kindly told you whether the action will succeed or not and what skill level you need to be at to get it to work. Huzzah! I want that next time I approach my boss about a raise!
o Oblivion and Fallout 3 have examples of linear "dungeons" in the classic "level" style where the player plows through in a predictable manner and is provided a convenient exit at the end so that they don't have to walk all the way back. Most, if not all, of these linear "dungeons" have a "boss" at the end, in the furthest room, behind a locked door, with the key in the flower pot half a level back, because it is expected.
Now, not everything about Fallout 3 and New Vegas is bad. They actually have some things I wish were in Oblivion, like smarter monsters and some UI changes, but the things above demonstrate how Skyrim quests and gameplay can be further trivialized.
I expect that Skyrim will pull from Oblivion, Fallout 3, and New Vegas. The question is not whether, but how much, Skyrim will provide salvation to the scripted FPS and RPG gamers.