I'm not going to comment on the tabletop buzzwords, but... really? You think a feature that lets you skip the FPS parts of the game was included to appeal to FPS fans?
I mean, maybe I'm wrong, but I'm fairly sure the subset of FPS fans who look at an FPS and go, "You know, this is great and I'm a fan, but I really wish there was some way to remove all that first person and shooting" is small to nonexistent.
Not at all. I think VATS was an attempt to "revolutionize" FPS gameplay by introducing a new killer feature. That is why I called it a "cheat". I think it was "FPS one step further" or a more accessible FPS combat system. Either that or the FO3 projectile system is so utterly awful that they had to add VATS to compensate. I am not really a hard core FPS gamer so, to me, VATS is all about fail.
On the subject of the dictionary definition of "mainstream", all I can say is that "TES 6 - Farmville" should eliminate any discussion of whether TES is heading mainstream. The mainstream discussion is too specialized to use broad dictionary definitions.
On the subject of MMO and multiplayer, remember that some high priest at EA Games has said that stand alone single player games are history and that pay-to-play multiplayer and internet connected games are the future. EA is not alone in this thought, I am sure. One only has to look at WOW to see how dollar signs can be your best friend. I am not aware that Bethesda has said that Skyrim is single player, and I know they made noises like TES would never be multiplayer, but if I were building a new game engine into my flagship game, one that needs to last, I would do it with an eye to multiplayer.