I mean, had they chosen a province like Argonia for this episode, there would have been more hope for something more original than a northern europe medieval fantasy setting.
Anyway... my hopes for a deep rpg game these days are fairly low.
You could find that kind of PC games years ago, when PCs were mostly in the hands of advlts and so there was more space for games catering to more mature tastes.
Today, the market is mostly children or teenagers gamers, and the gaming industry naturally targets them as their public.
Of course, I still hope that in TES V there will be some adjustments and we'll have a better game, with good rpg's features complementing the action features. I'm just not that optimistic about it.
Oh well, I don't think Bethesda will cry because I won't buy Skyrim, just as they didn't cry when I didn't buy Oblivion.