Is Skyrim going main stream

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:45 am

Well, both the trailer and setting seem to point toward a mainstreamed action rpg.
I mean, had they chosen a province like Argonia for this episode, there would have been more hope for something more original than a northern europe medieval fantasy setting.

Anyway... my hopes for a deep rpg game these days are fairly low.
You could find that kind of PC games years ago, when PCs were mostly in the hands of advlts and so there was more space for games catering to more mature tastes.
Today, the market is mostly children or teenagers gamers, and the gaming industry naturally targets them as their public.

Of course, I still hope that in TES V there will be some adjustments and we'll have a better game, with good rpg's features complementing the action features. I'm just not that optimistic about it.
Oh well, I don't think Bethesda will cry because I won't buy Skyrim, just as they didn't cry when I didn't buy Oblivion. :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:38 am

There was a great anology for the differences between MW and OB in another thread, and since nobody has mentioned it yet I will shamelessly plagiarise it.

Morrowind was like one of those birthday cakes with the thick icing that nobody particularly likes, but it's bearable because of the absolutely delicious sponge underneath. This sponge is the best cake sponge of its generation. It blew the sponge of other, lesser cakes (even those with better icing) out of the water. However, some people couldn't get past the sub par icing on the MW cake and so they never experienced the mind blowing sponge. It was for these people that Oblivion was made.

Oblivion had the gosh darned prettiest icing of the time, and upon biting into it one was transported to a creamy, soft and sweet heaven. This icing drew in the people who care exclusively about icing, but the fans of the MW cake - while appreciating the new icing - found the sponge to be stale and somewhat shallow.

Obviously the icing represents the surface features like the graphics and the combat system while the sponge represents more cerebral features such as lore, presence of fantasy and story. Now I'm not saying that icing-appreciators didn't notice that Oblivion's sponge wasn't great or vice versa, but we clearly need Morrowind's sponge and Oblivion's icing in the next TES instalment. Hopefully having dabbled in both of these aspects BGS has now found a happy medium. FO3 certainly seems to have taken a promising step in the right direction.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:03 pm

Morrowind 2.0? Tell me another. Skyrim will be its own game, in its own right. And I'm pretty sure they're not going to sacrifice profit to please a few fanatic fans who have somehow managed to take over the official boards.

I was merely joking my good man.
Of course Skyrim will be it's own game. Well I hope so at least.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:31 am

Lets hope they aren't taking notes from two worlds or Gothic 4. :facepalm:

My thought exactly! :brokencomputer:
Two biggest dissapointments this year.

Oblivion was pretty mainstream so i think they should go back towards morrowind style a bit
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:49 am

I really hope they make this game more like Daggerfall. Its like a band. They release a new album, completely different to the style they usually play and the release more albums like that one. They lose their original member base. Not good.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 am

That certainly seems to be the case. To Oblivion's credit, they added some things that weren't in MW, such as horses, legitimately owned houses, etc. However, no mounted combat, no more building strongholds (ala MW). OB also did improve the main "action" systems, combat, magick, and stealth are almost universally praised as improvement (if you ignore the loss of some weapons and spells)

However, I HOPE it was simply "experimentation" on Bethesda's part, just trying something a little slimmed down, not as a strategy or pattern but as a foray into untrod territory. I ALSO hope that they recognized the feedback that they got and will re-implement some of the ideas lost from previous games.

I hope you are right. Bethesdas fan base for this series is firmly in the non-MMO, Kinect/MOVE hating hardcoe market. More polish is good, less depth is not. Each game since daggerfall has been more accessible and yet shallower than the last. I don't see why Betehsda can't provide both. Or even release a cut down, action rpg version for the rpg lite-crowd and release a slick daggerfall/ morrowind like bona-fide elder scrolls title for their converts.

One point for any Bethesda admins out there: make the console command window available on Xbox/PS3. There WILL be bugs and this is often the simplest way of solving them. It's also great fun to mess about with!
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 am

What the hell does "mainstream" even mean?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:34 am

It's hard to say at the moment. Ask this question once we start hearing about what's in the game. I can say that I hope Skyrim isn't main streamed and it's more RPG, along the lines of Morrowind and Daggerfall.

Until we know more about the game there really isn't any reason to vote in the poll so I'm holding back my vote until further evidences shows one way or another.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 am

I would like the poll to be different, kinda like have an option that says "I think/hope it won't be as mainstream as Oblivion was."
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:23 am

Since Oblivion was actually very mainstream compared to the previous games, I really doubt that Bethesda would make this even more mainstream. Sure, they want it to sell as much as possible, so don't expect a giant leap in the opposite direction either, but I think the devs must have realized that they maybe dumbed Oblivion down just a little too much.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:28 pm

i think with SI & FO3, they are regressing back to their old ways (in a good way). Even with the dragons, one has to think back and realize what they implemented that has been done before but made original (skeletons)
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:25 pm

No, seriously. "Mainstream" just means popular, but for this poll it seems to have a... I was going to say subtle, but I'm not sure why, because it's not remotely true... a blatant connotation of, "stupid, because I'm smarter than everyone else, hurf durf." The premise of the poll is flawed.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:43 am

Morrowind 2.0? Tell me another. Skyrim will be its own game, in its own right. And I'm pretty sure they're not going to sacrifice profit to please a few fanatic fans who have somehow managed to take over the official boards.

I'm pretty sure she's just lampooning the fact that so many threads have people expressing a desire for all things Morrowind in the game, and not stating what she actually thinks will happen...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:29 am

I really really really hope not :(
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:34 am

It's pretty much mainstream already. It will happen over time to most game companies as they grow and since bethessda has had enormous success sine morrowind, it's almost suspected to happen.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:25 am

They might want to hold on to their original fan base by making it non-simplistic.
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james kite
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 am

Of course it'll be more mainstream. The majority of Oblivion's sales were on console, and console gamers clearly prefer games like TES to be simplistic, so it doesn't take genius to figure it out.

The better question, for long-term TES fans, is "Will the game still have enough depth for me to enjoy it?". We'll see.

Still, forget about whether it's mainstream or not, I'm still crossing my fingers that it doesn't have multiplayer. Jesus.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:24 pm

No not really. If there is something as convenient as fast travel, I am going to use it. It is not a black and white issue of "well you didn't have to use it you could ignore it if you didn't want it." It has much more to do with temptation and convenience. However, give me an option in the beginning of the game to simply not allow it and I would be happier.

Wow, I'm sorry that your deep personal conflicts on whether or not it is ethical to use fast travel in the game prevent you from being happy. I also apologize that this "temptation" is so strong that it actually creates issues for you. I'm also sorry that your lack of self-control is in such a poor state that you can't handle ignoring something like fast travel.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:48 pm

I don't get this topic. Oblivion was as mainstream a success as any game can be. It won best game at the VGA. Skyrim could possibly be more of a mainstream success, but only in that it sells more copies.

Everything mentioned in the OP has already been covered. The smaller map from DF>MW was an inevitability. you cannot possibly have a world as big as DF but as hand detailed as MW. I know which world space I preferred to explore :thumbsup:

streamline/distilling =/= dumbing down.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:54 am

Of course it'll be more mainstream. The majority of Oblivion's sales were on console, and console gamers clearly prefer games like TES to be simplistic, so it doesn't take genius to figure it out.

The better question, for long-term TES fans, is "Will the game still have enough depth for me to enjoy it?". We'll see.

Still, forget about whether it's mainstream or not, I'm still crossing my fingers that it doesn't have multiplayer. Jesus.

Firstly, you are generalizing console gamers. I play on a console, and I do not prefer games like TES to be simplistic. Some people don't like looking at their laptop for hours at a time :(

Anyway, as I have said, SI and FO3 seem to indicate that Bethesda is heading back to their old ways.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:31 am

You know, I do hope Skyrim goes mainstream because I am what you'd call a casual player. You'll be sorely disappointed if you think otherwise. "Going mainstream" basically means that they are getting better at their craft and as such more and more people are willing to "enjoy" the franchise, as in opposed to grinding mudcrabs and swooning over the "alien" landscape.
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Ian White
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:27 pm

Anyway, as I have said, SI and FO3 seem to indicate that Bethesda is heading back to their old ways.

I have to agree there. Both of those games, perhaps not in terms of mechanics, but in terms of content are made to appeal more towards mature gamers. and yeah thats good news.

all this dumbing down in mostly nonsense imo.

If bethesda removed all stats and skills from TES5 I wouldn't necessarily say its been dumbed down. for example they took out antiquated dice roll system for missing and blocking based on a stat skill, and placed those into direct controll of the player. this is important. Sure it's crap in the lock picking and dialog system. But doesn't have to be crap. I would rather use my sense of intelligence where ever possible rather than a stat to determine how intelligent I am.

people think RPG ends with DnD :/
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Anna S
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 am

All this whining about TES getting dumbed down, going mainstream or anything of the sort is just BS.

First of all, a decline in quantity is inevitable if you want higher quality. Secondly, appealing to more people than just the hardcoe fans is inevitable if you want a higher quality. Bethesda wants to make a quality game, and I don't blame them.

Now about the game being simplistic: Morrowind melee combat being just about spamming the strike button and hoping you come on top is simplistic. Actually having to get into the rythm of combat and dodging and blocking and using powerattacks to get the advantage like in oblivion is a huge improvement. I'd rather have the more varied combat like oblivion than have a thousand different weapons to use like in Morrowind.

Having almost every quest being a simple fetch or kill quest is simplistic. Having varied and more rich quests like in oblivion is not. Oblivion didn't have a lot of quests, but at least (almost) every quest was an experience. You'd never know what to expect, and you'd actually feel like you did something meaningful. If I want to fetch things or kill things I can dive into a random dungeon. I want quests to have some quality beyond that.

Really, the point where oblivion went wrong is the huge amount of enemies levelling and level scaling. If that would've been toned down, or there would be a solution to it, Oblivion would've been better in almost every aspect than morrowind. But once again, it was because of complaints about morrowind. Mainly the point of not having any challenges anymore after level 16. Bethesda tried to fix it but it created as many problems as it solved. Let's just hope they've now taken the time to get it right, and we'll probably have an amazing game to look forward to.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:52 am

Whenever anyone mentions the word "mainstream" they automatically get turned into the hipster kitteh in my head.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:19 am

Believe it or not, most good developers (I mean that less in a moral sense and more in a quality-of-games sense) don't purposefully redesign games to maximize appeal to the widest audience. They simply focus on making a good game. With features that make sense for that particular game and the timetable involved in its production.

Because if you make something you, yourself would want to play; if you make a good game, then profits will eventually follow anyway. (I can think of a few exceptions in which critically well received games didn't sell as well as they should have, but sometimes that's an issue of simply getting the word out there in the first place that it's good.) And even disregarding that, in Bethesda's position, as long as they release a quality product at this point, it will sell, because their level of exposure is sufficiently high that they can make whatever they want to make.

I feel that this is the pervading attitude among Bethesda as a studio. I mean, look at Skyrim's announcement trailer. It wasn't some special effects laden, summer Hollywood blockbuster affair, like you'd expect from a more marketing-and-mainstream approach. It was typical, cryptic stuff focused on an unusual subject (stela that comes to life) in the truest Elder Scrolls style.

I don't think there's anything to worry about here.

Yes. When making MW, they were close to bankruptcy. But because it was so awesome, a big chunk of the RPG fans bought and played it. That was when they said "Okay, we have a fanbase full of hardocre RPG gamers. Now let's extend our fanbase critically with more of a mainstream and accessible product" and here comes Oblivion. They did that with both of the games (OB and F3), and they have a massive fanbase. So now they can make ANYTHING they want, and it will sell. That's why I believe Skyrim will be better than Oblivion and Morrowind. Skyrim will most likely be the best TES yet.
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