Why would you (or anyone) do that!? A series game is a chance to bring a new chapter into the series, and perhaps tinker and add just a bit of a twist (to improve the already good game ~we know its good, because the previous games were good enough to seek out the next one; and profitable enough to commit to making the next one).
People WANT Morrowind part 2 (set in Skyrim this time). :shrug:
*Why call it an Elder Scrolls game at all, if its to be that different? Why would anyone want something utterly original from a numbered series game?
(Meaning why make it a series installment, instead of a stand alone new game?)
Yes.. keep innovation at the front! priority #1
Does Bethesda (or do the majority of TES fans), consider each TES game to be a one-off original, or sequel to the previous in the series? (this is something I do not know; I have several TES games, but I'm not in the culture).
If its a sequel, then I don't understand calling out "lazy" for reusing the Rules and UI. **But then... why anyone would call software development lazy is beyond me. As is demanding them start from scratch and base principles for every sequel in an established series; [IMO] 'accusing' them at all (of anything save perhaps bad customer support), is not anyone's place if one doesn't work there; and without that, its impossible to do with an informed opinion anyway.
If its a new game set in the the same TES IP, but unrelated to any previous game ~then I don't understand calling it TES5. :shrug:; but even radical changes to the Rules and UI are easily accepted.
Myself I would hope for a linear evolution from Arena to Skyrim (that's not how it is though). If it is instead, just separate games all set in the same lands, I can accept that ~but I never realized it before. Not being Fallout, it doesn't really matter [to me] that much, but does begin to explain a lot that previously didn't make sense.
Luckily, Todd is seemingly of the opinion that with each new tes game, they have to bring great leaps, innovations, and push the elder scrolls forward with each episode in the series. You can find a direct quote of him saying something along the lines of -with each new title they want to do something different with it. He's not happy making the same game every time.
Bethesda is developing, and counting feedback from Oblivion, I think we should be a little more trusting that they'll create a decent game.
No matter what people are going to complain that feature X that was present in DF/MW/Ob is not present in Skyrim.
like 2 separate pauldrons... Oh noes 2 less items I can't enchant! And cry dumbing down and blame the mainstream/console gamers. and not realise stuff like that is irrelevant in skyrim.
don't get me wrong, dumbing down is a real thing. and I fear and loath it. But streamlining or changing the system is not automatically that. I'm hoping Ob will be the worst game in the series.