a lot of those things, when taken apart from each other become average at best. Now this is not a complaint, it's my opinion and you can decide not to agree with it, it's more of an observation. Let's examine each thing carefully :
Sure, there are radiant quests but these quests don't differ much from each other. Sure there are guild quests, but they are so damn short. Sure there is the main quest, which you do once and you won't want to do again. Daedric Quests are also a let down, apart from Sanguine. They are also short.
They had so much potential with these, but what do we get? The same dragon pasted to another dragon and called a different name with a different color. The only exception to this is the Frost Dragon, who has long sharp spines, and maybe the green blood dragons, with their different tails. Can't wait for the CK so the moders do an excellent job with this, so much potential cut short.
1. No beast children.
2. All children look the same, 100% same face, be it female or male.
3. Totally annoying.
Only 10-15 spells for each magic school, and only about 4 variations, way to go. Sure they look nice and aren't the 'small ball of magic, just with another color' oblivion had, they look dynamic and better, but choice is always better. Waiting on Midas on this one, or some other person.
Great, great, great potential, but unfortunately lost. We have... maybe what? 12 full sets of different armor? They could do much more different armor, I'm sure modders will take care of this though.
Slow, stamina runs out in 10 seconds, die easily, bandits attack them first. Fortunately, some moders already fixed some of those problems.
Total failure. Half of the available marriageable NPCs are Nords. Khajiit and Bosmers are outcasted, only 1 for the Orcs and a small amount for Argonians. A shame.
Smaller than Oblivion's. Some towns are just plain bad, only a couple of quests in them, example : Falkreath. "Taverns are a great place to find quests" - Todd Howard. Yeah right, 2 quests the most.
Only 2-3 songs, Ragnar The Red, The Age of Agression and another one that I forgot the name of. They also seem awfully empty, with the exception of The Bannered Mare.
The awful engine problem... the town problem. When you enter a town, FPS takes a huge hit of 25-30FPS. Not even The Withcer 2 on Ultra does this to me, and even on lowest settings, Skyrim still takes this FPS hit in towns. Clearly an engine problem.
I think that's about it, the good things about Skyrim are : Big, open world and everywhere is uniquely different. Dungeons, they definitely nailed it with Skyrim, much better than Oblivion. Level-Scaling is tons better. Interesting Perk system and Dragon Souls system. Races look ace. More varied voices. Animations, night and day from Oblivion. Dragons are finally in the game, though could be much better and varied.
So that's about it. Some of these problems can easily be solved by mods, but I guess I expected more.