Skyrim Graphics and the future of ES on that matter

Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:38 pm

Graphics have kinda peaked for the next couple years. They considered waiting, but realized sensibly even if they did, the next console generation and new PC's wont be so much of a jump the wait isnt worth it.

The graphics look much better, they look incredible, really for the next few years, they cant get much better

HAHAHHAAH not that much of a giant leep¤t=23895050.jpg

Modded gta 4.

Also consider the fact that ^ is dx9; were not even talking about dx11 ground up games, which don't exist as of yet...because of consoles.

It's not just graphics

Physics; Procuderal water aka liquids with their own realistic physics

more phyics; everything in the game

scale= There is a whole procedural galaxy everything is to scale; have fun PC only. Also if you dont want to wait for that game to come out their is always X rebirth.

AI the more power the better the AI.

everything is effected by hardware.

The jump in graphics will be HUGE; but right now you don't see that because of console development focus, luckily games like BF3/arma 3/x rebirth ect are coming to move things along.

Anything designed with the consoles as a primary target will always be miles behind anything developed with teh PC in mind. I will love skyrim but it is obvious it will severely lack in the technical department which upsets me and my 580gtx. ARMA 3
^consider the fact that these guys have a very small budget and smaller team.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:15 am

Hey, ArmA 3 is looking great!

My only gripe with ArmA is that the controls have been amazingly dense and complicated. There must be a way to get it to control as easily as Battlefield without sacrificing any of its brutal realism.

I am looking forward to Red Orchestra 2, which looks like it can provide some of that realism-plus-ease-of-control goodness.
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kevin ball
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:08 pm

The gap in terms of graphics from morrowind to oblivion was HUGE when it came out oblivion was the most beautiful game ever made but the gap in terms of graphics for skyrim hasnt been that big. the graphics are sort of comparable to the present call of duty graphics wich is still very nice. but in the next generation of console.... what do you expect from the series on that matter? do you think the graphics will be as good or exceed battlefield 3 pc graphics?

Oblivion: 2006 Skyrim: 2011. the gap aint that huge. what I am saying is that the gap is minimal compared to morrowind-oblivion and im asking if people expext the gap to be greater for the next one or even smaller.

on the other hand. yes it matters. anyone saying that graphics dont matter is either a lier or has no clue of what he is talking about. would you buy skyrim for 60$ if it looked just like morrowind? no. graphics are integral part of what you call the quality of the game. in 2011 you have standards to meet if you want to be called a quality game. yes skyrim meets these standards in term of graphics but nothing more. traditionally, ES games were crushing these standards... even daggerfall wich was one of the very first 3D RPG

Right in order:

The graphics for the next TES game will obviously be an improvement over Skyrim and with the next gen of consoles coming out the leap in terms of graphical quality from Skyrim to TES VI will be larger that the jump from Oblivion to Skyrim.

Yes graphics do matter, they have to be a certain standard as you say, but the gameplay is always the most improtant feature. Skyrim is graphically better thab I was expecting to be honest and I am perfectly happy. If I were to nitpick I would say the graphics (based on the E3 demo) for the sky (clouds, weather etc) could be better, but overall I am very pleased.

Comparing graphics of a sandbox game (i.e Skyrim) to that of say Battlefield 3 is completely pointless. A game that is linear and has set paths will ALWAYS be better graphically (or at least should be if the devs have done their work) and the simple fact for that is they have alot less work to do on the game than what Bethesda have to do on Skyrim. Why else do you think you get a new C.O.D game every year but have to wait 5-6 years for a new Elder Scrolls game. FPS are linear and you have little to no control over what you are doing, the developers funnel you down set paths and make only what they need to look good impressive, whereas Bethesda have to design a whole world because you can go anywhere and do anything.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:48 pm

I think the graphics are pretty awesome and just fine. For better textures there will be mods. Maybe there will even be skyrim graphics extender after some time. So i'm pretty sure we don't have to worry at all for graphics :)
I just want the gameplay to be OK and a bit more hard :)
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:32 am

HAHAHHAAH not that much of a giant leep¤t=23895050.jpg

Modded gta 4.

Also consider the fact that ^ is dx9; were not even talking about dx11 ground up games, which don't exist as of yet...because of consoles.

It's not just graphics

Physics; Procuderal water aka liquids with their own realistic physics

more phyics; everything in the game

scale= There is a whole procedural galaxy everything is to scale; have fun PC only. Also if you dont want to wait for that game to come out their is always X rebirth.

AI the more power the better the AI.

everything is effected by hardware.

The jump in graphics will be HUGE; but right now you don't see that because of console development focus, luckily games like BF3/arma 3/x rebirth ect are coming to move things along.

Anything designed with the consoles as a primary target will always be miles behind anything developed with teh PC in mind. I will love skyrim but it is obvious it will severely lack in the technical department which upsets me and my 580gtx. ARMA 3
^consider the fact that these guys have a very small budget and smaller team.

Great post.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:01 am

Right in order:

The graphics for the next TES game will obviously be an improvement over Skyrim and with the next gen of consoles coming out the leap in terms of graphical quality from Skyrim to TES VI will be larger that the jump from Oblivion to Skyrim.

Yes graphics do matter, they have to be a certain standard as you say, but the gameplay is always the most improtant feature. Skyrim is graphically better thab I was expecting to be honest and I am perfectly happy. If I were to nitpick I would say the graphics (based on the E3 demo) for the sky (clouds, weather etc) could be better, but overall I am very pleased.

Comparing graphics of a sandbox game (i.e Skyrim) to that of say Battlefield 3 is completely pointless. A game that is linear and has set paths will ALWAYS be better graphically (or at least should be if the devs have done their work) and the simple fact for that is they have alot less work to do on the game than what Bethesda have to do on Skyrim. Why else do you think you get a new C.O.D game every year but have to wait 5-6 years for a new Elder Scrolls game. FPS are linear and you have little to no control over what you are doing, the developers funnel you down set paths and make only what they need to look good impressive, whereas Bethesda have to design a whole world because you can go anywhere and do anything.

So basically you don't know that Battlefield 3 has huge environments and that its PC multiplayer will support up to 64 players simultaneously.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:44 am

Morrowind - Oblivionm : different gen of hardware
Oblivion - Skyrim: Same gen...

Simple as that.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:05 pm

Personally now that I think about it, I'm glad Bethesda is releasing a current gen game right now. This gives them ample time to work with next generation consoles more in depth than when they were making Oblivion for their first project.

Still, Skyrim looks bloody stunning for such dated hardware, and the gameplay looks ever increasingly solid over Oblivion and Morrowind in my honest opinion.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:40 am

So basically you don't know that Battlefield 3 has huge environments and that its PC multiplayer will support up to 64 players simultaneously.

Yes but the issue still remains;

They still developed a core around the fact they had to port it over to consoles in some manner; because if the game was developed ONLY around DX11 hardware then you literally could not port it to the consoles...AT ALL...well you could but then you would be making a totally different game.

This is because instead of making....everything around standard design everything would be using hardware tessellation to increase fidelity while increasing performance and ect ect ect ect i can write a whole TLDR...but im tired.

CURRENTLY tessellation decreases performance that is because games are not designed 100% with DX11 features in mind.

Also Bf3 pc supports 64+ players.

Hell BF3 will still be the benchmark game that and Arma 3.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:25 am

I'll gladly take a SR now rather than one later for a new gen of consoles. And I LOVE good graphics so why might you ask? Cause I dont want another Oblivion repeat.

And yeah, BF3 will give me plenty of eyecandy and push my system to its limits. SR will to, but im ok with how it looks, even if I do with they would use DX11
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:29 pm

I'll gladly take a SR now rather than one later for a new gen of consoles. And I LOVE good graphics so why might you ask? Cause I dont want another Oblivion repeat.

And yeah, BF3 will give me plenty of eyecandy and push my system to its limits. SR will to, but im ok with how it looks, even if I do with they would use DX11

DX11 isn't an auto-pretty it's a great API but it's not auto-pretty.

It's all about design philosophy.

Target modern hardware while still planning to port to consoles thus still limiting the design


Target consoles port to modern hardware

or the best way

Target modern hardware dont restrict yourself in anyway at all.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:51 pm

I think I'm actually more impressed with the graphics going from Oblivion to Skyrim than I was from Morrowind to Oblivion. They might not have as much new gear to work with but it definitely looks like they leveled up their skills a few points.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:42 am

Oblivion was actually meh for its time. If you think the leap forward in graphics isn't proportional to the amount of time that's passed since it was released, think again:

Yowza! That's Uncanny! Well done.

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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:02 am

This about sums it up. All of their videos are great, and I recommend checking them out.
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:58 pm

Yowza! That's Uncanny! Well done.


Not really; the problem lies in the fact that hardware and tech has developed at a far faster rate from oblivion to skyrim than it did from morrowind to skyrim.

But that is not shown in any improvements.

A real look at progress is

Witcher 1 (2007) ---> witcher 2
BF2 (2005)--->bf3(2011)
Arma 2(2009-->arma 3(20xx)

medieval 2(2007)--->shogun 2 (2011) 4

Now oblivion was released in 2006 yet shows less improvements from oblivion to skyrim than games like MTW2-->shogun 2 or Witcher 1---> witcher 2 even though there is a extra year in tech improvements ADD TO THE FACT THAT BETHESDA IS A FAR LARGER STUDIO WITH WAY MORE MONEY.

from this

to this

dat progress is yummy.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:19 am

The graphics look much better, they look incredible, really for the next few years, they cant get much better

You obviously haven't seen real time ray-tracing stuff. THAT will be the real next big jump in terms of graphics quality.

iD is already working on a engine (post-Rage) that achieves that.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:14 am

Not really; the problem lies in the fact that hardware and tech has developed at a far faster rate from oblivion to skyrim than it did from morrowind to skyrim.

But that is not shown in any improvements.

A real look at progress is

Witcher 1 (2007) ---> witcher 2
BF2 (2005)--->bf3(2011)
Arma 2(2009-->arma 3(20xx)

medieval 2(2007)--->shogun 2 (2011) 4

Now oblivion was released in 2006 yet shows less improvements from oblivion to skyrim than games like MTW2-->shogun 2 or Witcher 1---> witcher 2 even though there is a extra year in tech improvements ADD TO THE FACT THAT BETHESDA IS A FAR LARGER STUDIO WITH WAY MORE MONEY.

from this

to this

dat progress is yummy.

None of those are really a fair comparison because all of those games are either PC exclusives or being developed for PC. Both Skyrim and Oblivion are being designed with the same tech in mind and have no way to jump so far ahead. Besides, we're yet to see what Skyrim looks like maxed out on computer anyway; perhaps final judgement should be reserved until then.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:24 pm

How I wish I had a good PC...All these pictures and videos look simply yummy
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:56 pm

However you can never compare battlefield graphics to a game like TES because TES is an open world game it is a sandbox game as in its 50 times bigger than battlefield. Battlefield has finite spaces so the character can't roam which makes the graphics that much better.

You see this all the time but what difference does the size of the world make for graphic quality. The game only renders what's in view one frame at a time whether you have a million miles of open world stretched out behind you or 10 feet of a hallway. That's doesn't make any difference on your graphical fidelity.

Now I would agree you can't compare BF3 and Skyrim but that is more do to developer philosophies than any game play mechanics. The BF3 devs are committed to making the PC version an actual PC version where as Skyrim the PC version will just be a port of the console version. That's why there will be such a difference in graphics between the two.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:56 pm

Yes, actually

Haha, Saame ;p
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:05 am

I expected a much bigger graphical leap than what we've seen so far in Skyrim, when I first heard "We can now confirm that the TES V: Skyrim engine is all-new. And it looks fantastic".

To me, the graphics are slightly better than Fallout 3, but that's it. They look very outdated compared to other newer (or even some older) games. So... the graphics are OK I think, around 6.5/10, but definitely not fantastic... far from.

To me, the explanation is pretty simple though: Bethesda has different priorities than other game developers, and that's why it looks outdated already, and that's why the game has up to 300 hours of gameplay.

Bethesda are going to have a tough, long way now for their next game in order to keep up with the big development of graphics that other games have had for a long time now. Skyrim just got dynamic shadows, for instance, which is very old news for other games.
What the next Bethesda game will look like will depend on how much time and money Bethesda is willing to spend on graphics development, and that we don't know.
I believe we can expect a small increase in graphics like we've had before. It will take time before Bethesda can reach Battlefield 3 graphics I think. Perhaps for the game after the next game they're making.
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