I was wondering if anybody had any insight on the graphics considering the ps3. I realize all demos have been shown on 360, and they look great, but I have noticed that multi platform games tend to favor the 360 in the graphics department. What I was wondering if Todd Howard was meaning to say that since he was using 360 both for simplicity in demonstrating the gameplay and representing the baseline of graphics, is the 360 on the lower end now considering graphics? Also, what console was Skyrim originally developed for before being ported to other systems? This has been bugging me because I am tired of having the lower end of the deal on everything for the ps3 in all games that are multi platform and this has been on my mind for a while. Does anyone think they can share any research that pertains to this subject?
I am starting to realize a lot of people on these forums are pc gamers. Which I respect, I used to be one until my 9800 gx2 broke. What you guys aren't understanding is that I don't favor any console, I just notice clear differences in graphics and playability. Look up on youtube, any game comparing 360 vs ps3 graphics, 360 tends to trumph the ps3 in looks. On top of that Oblivion contains a game ruining glitch exclusive to the ps3 and it has yet to been solved. I have also noticed, after comparing, fallout 3 tends to play much more smoothly and have significantly less glitches in the 360. Stop bringing up how PC gaming is so much better, it does not have any remote reason to be in this topic and too be honest many of you who bring it up sound quite boastful and pompous.