Water, godrays, HDR, dynamic shadows like this please: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SwPlb8SebE
If people say "I don't care about graphics, gameplay is more important!" I think they lie big time. Not about gameplay being more important, but that they say they don't care about graphics. Find me one honest person who doesn't care if the game looks like the video above, or like a cartoon game, like this: http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2006/features/hardware/oblivionmip/NENMLODoff.jpg
I think graphics is exceptionally important for Skyrim. Here's why:
- Morrowind and Oblivion had really good graphics for when they were released, perhaps one or the best.
- Fallout 3 unfortunately failed at this since Crysis was released about 1 year earlier with completely outstanding graphics. Fallout NV didn't even try to improve the graphics. Both of these games are awesome, but I believe it was a let-down for many people, especially for those who looks at the graphics of the game at first sight, which I think a lot of people do.
I think of graphics kind of as looks with a person. They are the first impression[/b], and the first impression is quite often the most important one. I think that's why Skyrim really needs to have great graphics... to attract more people that haven't played TES or Bethesda's games before, and of course to satisfy we who already know TES is awesome ;D
If Skyrim has bad graphics, I think it will have a lot less sold copies (especially from people, as I said before, that aren't really familiar with Bethesda's games), than it would have otherwise.
- With other games looking really really good, like the Crysis video I stated above, our "need" for graphics increases as well. If you've played Crysis at very high, I'm sure you'll think other games look really bad afterwards, and you'll think extra much of graphics then.
With Fallout NV being really behind in the "graphics development" for when it was released, I think Skyrim needs to make it up for that by having great graphics.
I really see no reason not to focus a lot on making the graphics good. I'm sure they'll sell more games, I'm sure it will be popular and better liked by us fans. But at the same time, of course, it's very important to focus on gameplay and story as well. They've done a outstanding job here before, so I don't doubt they won't the same here