I would play a text based RPG again if it had brilliant game-play on par with best RPG games out there.
One of the best experiences I had with an RPG game was with MM7, which had one of the worst graphics even for its own time.
But I do not mind great graphics as well, with pixel tessellation, ambient osculation, and all the fancy stuff of the current cutting edge hardware.
I would love a multithreaded ADOM clone with a state of the art chat-bot that used personality profiles to 'speak' in character, and on a level close to believable. A game that used a database for all NPC's to reference who did what, saw what, suspects what, and use it for compositing several story elements with a few random nouns and known details to generate simple side quests. Imagine a text based game with an advanced parser that used the GPU for AI and stat based NPC interpretation of what you type. :drool:
*** And perhaps some simplified ASCII for monsters and the PC. :shrug:
Hmmm... Imagine if Bethesda made a http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj125/Gizmojunk/adom1.jpg? (kidding)