Imagine Skyrim with more playable races for a second. Would it be better, or worse? If there were races like Gnomes, Gremlins, a Spriggan, Ogres, Goblins, ect. I just listed a few creatures that are for the most part Humoid, either Elf or Fairy. Would you like the races or hate them? Maybe even play as them? These beings are for the most part from Norse Mythology.
Gnomes - a gnome was a small humanoid creature that lived underground and were more interested in alchemy and magic.
Gremlins - a gremlin was a mischievous fairy that was mechanically oriented with an interest in aircrafts.
Spriggans - they were depicted as grotesque creatures guarding old ruins and barrows. They were a type of fairy that was small and could also shape shift it's height to appear very tall so some thought they were the ghosts of old giants. They were mischievous and sent storms of blight crops at any offenders and would steal children leaving changelings in their places. And a changeling is the offspring of a fairy, troll elf, or any other European mythological creature.
Ogres - they were visualized as large and very hideous creatures that would eat babies.
Goblins - they were evil and mischievous whom were greedy and loved money. They would be depicted as a few inches tall or the size of a Dwarf with magical abilities.
I think having more creatures to play as would be cool since Bethesda did use some creatures that were in European mythology like the Draugr, Spriggans, Elves, Orcs, Trolls, and Dragons. What do you guys think?