Beats the Last of us.
Beats the Last of us.
Not a single mention of Red Dead Redemption? Sorry, but that's just wrong.
Kinda angry about that as well. It's so much better then GTA IV should have been on it.
Not to mention we still have GTA V coming up soon and that will definitely knock a lot of those top 16s out of the park.
All and all I agree with the result. Major victory for Bethesda.
is that based on retail? didnt know amazon did anything else then sell stuff
For me the Halo series is the best and it always will be, TES games come in second, for me that is
LOL, Sam FIsher and BB are having a drink together, the irony.
When I played the Last of Us I didn't really feel emotionally connected with the characters like other players seem to be. I don't know if it's because most of the main cast are stupid but I felt more emotional with MGS4 and ME3(extended cut). Maybe it's because I knew those characters longer I guess.
Same here, I haven't cried over a video game more than I did in Mass Effect 3 (maybe Telltales' The Walking Dead surpassing it but still). And I don't cry over video games.
Someday, if I ever get tired of playing Skyrim, I'll check some of those other games out.
The last of us and uncharted are pieces of crap. RDR and fallout 3 and nv are the only games that come close to skyrim (but not too close)
Guilty on last of us, but I know enough about it and stand by my point. Why would I play it when I fundamentally hate everything about it?
I made the mistake of playing the uncharted series just because my friend likes it, it truly is total [censored], "leap from this ledge to this ledge then do specifically this, we'll make the guy look kind of cool as your reward", you actually do nothing, watching the game play on demo mode (I know it doesn't have demo mode, beside the point) would be just as rewarding as playing it, the exact same experience. Maybe it would be an ok movie (and I don't even think so, but different strokes), it is however a crap game, doesn't even qualify to be in the same category as skyrim, it's not like it's a poor skyrim, it's much less than that. It's just bearing witness to a dev mastvrbating over himself. I'd rate every single sports game ever made over uncharted.