I think it would be an awesome addition to really appeal to the hardcoe TES fans who really want to feel like they were dropped into this world with very little direction.
My hardcoe mode features would include:
1.) No fast travel
2.) A more primitive map (one that looks like paper like oblivion)
3.) need food/water/sleep (like new vegas)
4.) potions take time to heal/ health doesnt regenerate
5.) No custom way points
6.) locations only appear if discovered/given to player
Any idea on what your hardcoe mode would include or any points you disagree with?
We can do better than that.
- Set the timescale so 1 real minute is 1 Skyrim minute.
- Remove the wait function. Want to wait for the stores to open? Wait a few hours.
- Remove the fast-forward function when sleeping. Feeling tired? Look at a black screen for a few hours (lack of sleep will naturally reduce skill progress, similar to jailtime).
- No fast travel, no map, no compass. Must place perks into the new Literacy skill tree in order to read roadsigns and books/letters (and benefit from skillbooks naturally).
- Put a 20-sec hardcap on sprinting. Reduce this by 4 sec per 20% of max weight carried.
- Rearrange inventory so you can max carry one ranged weapon w. one quiver (20 arrow capacity), three 1h weapons OR one 2h weapon. Everything else must fit into a backpack.
- Followers die when they are defeated.
- Game over when you die.