First off Skyrim is a blast. The game is really really good and I enjoy playing it, I will continue to enjoy it. Now the bad news, it's so repetitive. After about 40 or 50 hours in I see it's just the same thing over and over. Talk to npc, go to cave or dungeon, do a puzzle, kill bandits, loot, rescue someone or get something, return to npc and get reward, talk to guy next to npc, rinse and repeat. It feels like there was no long hours at the story board for this game. In oblivion I loved doing the rat lady quest for the fighters guild. Yes it was basically exactly what I said Skyrim is but I really fell for the characters. I was really excited when I caught the neighbor in the back yard. I made a connection with both characters involved.
It's really sad. I just wish there was a little more to each quest. Don't get me wrong there are some great quests but it's just not enough for game as big as skyrim. I wants tons not some. Really I cannot believe I'm saying this but it's the truth, it's how I feel. I really have not progressed into the story that much so I'm hoping I get a huge surprise and I'm wrong. I would love for someone to come on here and totally bash my opinion and tell me in wrong and that it's gets really good. That would actually make my day because then I have something to look forward to instead of me thinking Skyrim may be a waste. The game better start getting a little thickness and diversity to it soon or I am gonna be really upset and I wouldn't be able to help but feel let down. As of now I think Elder Scrolls has lost its appeal. It's made for the masses, Bethesda needs l forget about the masses and walk the line of an rpg, the great rpg that it is supposed to be.
With that said I sit here with Skyrim on the screen waiting to be played. It's just me hoping things will get better. Please open up before my eyes and become a story I can really get into and fall in love with.
You can hate or agree but it's how I feel and there is nobody who can change that until I see for myself that it gets deeper and not involved(tear falls from eye). Well anyway now I begin my journey looking for that holy " " moment that changes eveything I have said.
Edit: let me correct myself. There is about 5 types of quests not one. It's just the same 5 over and over with a few unique ones in the bunch. For a game that has hundreds thats not a great thing. I understand a game this big is bound to have some repeats but it seem every town is the same setup for quests.