Hello, came out of lurking to post this. I study pschology, though to be honest most of what I will say comes from my heart and not my classes. (note I am dyslexic so my spelling is terrible, please don't ignore me because of it)
I'm 17, so I obviously cannot diagnose you, but you seem very much from what you say that you have clincal depression (from what I have learnt about what it ACTUALLY is). This is very dangerous and can actually lead to Seratonine receptors being perminantly shut down- this is so far unrepairable, and will remove your ability to be happy. At least, this is the accepted belief. Either way, you need to get happy, because...well, whats the point in being sad??

I must point out that you have created a thread asking for help with finding things to do during a boring time, and yet you reject every single last peice of advice given, and openly accept people that say "what you are doing is ok". Someone suggests reading. You say you hate reading. Someone suggests going outside, you say you don't wanna. ect ect ad infintum. If you wan't to be happy, you have to open to new ideas- obviously, you know when something is just not for you, but if you haven't tried it or haven't tried it in a long time, you really can't be that sure. I was in the same situation as you not long ago- I truely belived that my only joys in life could come from airsoft, and videogames. But thanks to some wise words, I (reluctently) went out to try new things and found that hey, the world ain't so bad after all!
Let's face it, the world ain't so great. So many people take their only joy in life from making other people unhappy. They take and take and take and never give. People love to hear their own voice and don't listen to you, and reject every oppinion that is not in line with their own. But that is the undenieable Trash part of the world- that is one side of a coin!! I have met 6 foot rough necks in stained tops that give up their seat on a bus for an older lady. I have seen someone run nearly a mile to catch a theif- they had seen someone they didn't even know being robbed. There are people stuck in jobs they don't like buying things they don't even need like sheep- but I have spoken to those people and they have told me the most insightful things and lived the most exciting lives. The world is a beutiful peice of uglynes, and this you have to accept.
ANYWAY. for thigns you could try- almost anything at all!! Someone mentioned archery, i can tell you now it's amazingly fun. What about a sports club? I was afraid to join because of my unfitness and lack of social skills- but realised that joining was the least intimmidating thing ever, and it IMPROVED my fitness and social skills to play tennis once a week! What about writing a story? You could even base it in the world of the Elder Scrolls. Someone said filming- just writing down your ideas for films is suprisingly fun. Why not buy an instroment and try learning? maybe you have done this before, but try again- put your heart into it and it can be the most beautiful part of your life. One great thing you could try is making a mod for Oblivion with the CS- get down to TESallience, they have some great tutorials that I've followed, and its all quite fun

Above all else though (and you might think this is a wieird suggestion).... watch Fightclub. It's not what you think it is,trust me, and it made my life so much better....
I don't think you need to change yourself. That is the worst thing anyone could ask you to do, and you never should.
But you should experiment with things you wouldn't normally- if what you do now does not make you happy anymore, it surely makes sense to try something new?
Sorry for the epic post, here's hopeing you find something soon that will cheer you up!!

Om nom nom