What race should i be? I am asking because i have no idea and Skyrim Legendary Edition is approaching and i will want to start without hassle.
My first playthough of skyrim was with a redgaurd. Mainly because i was new to the elder scroll series and my friends recommended it. Truth be told, the Redguard special lacked however the starting skills were ok.
My 2nd playthough of skyrim was with a High Elf. Yes i know a high elf? yer i wanted to try and use magic, however i found it so boring up and i was level 15. I eventually gave up on it later.
Now here i am, waiting for all DLC to appear and need a race. Here is a list of things that i like to do in my third playthough:
One Handed
Two handed
Heavy Armour
So far i am disgarding elves as i dislike them and not into magic. So that leaves:
As i have already been a redgaurd. At the moment i am leaning towards a Nord......... so what do you guys think?