TR Started like every other mod, thought planning started before MW was even released. By the time the game was released we had a rough version of the claim system already in place. (though not the handy built on forum one we use now) The fact that we had the chance to do the pre-planning allowed us to hit the ground running which definitely helped us. As I recall, ST was originally part of our MW mod, they didn't join us. They left due to disagreements over lore and reviewing. I'm not sure when it was we truly became self-sustaining, i.e. steady stream of people working, coming and going, but that is the part that every large mod has trouble with. Quality product draws in quality modders. Quality modders create quality product. It's harder now than it has ever been to hit that point, but if you do good, work hard, and make it possible, then it will happen.
Ah. Maybe I was remembering wrong. I thought ST started solo, then joined TR, then went solo again. Though that may just be because I'm remembering a stand alone beta or something.
In any case, I didn't mean to imply that TR hasn't done a lot or anything. I've been following it since the beginning. It's been a long road, and I just remember the beginning being a bit discouraging to watch--there was all of this great content, but it only existed in screenshot form for most people. Work seemed to be pretty slow. Then suddenly it kicked into high gear.
I actually haven't even played TR yet. I keep telling myself that I'm going to wait until it's done so that I can enjoy a massive 500 hour game, but it's getting harder and harder to do that with claim 1 and 2 calling to me.