2 Skyrim Installs Running Simultaneously

Post » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:02 pm

Alrighty so here is the deal: I have legit two copies of Skyrim running simultaneously. Both copies have the highest resolution, modded and work great. I have them running on separate monitors. This is already done using Sandboxie. The issue is playing both at the same time, which as I understand, is an issue with Skyrim not allowing for multiple input. The scenario is my nephews want to play Skyrim, and I want to play too. I only have one computer truly capable of running Skyrim and I was hoping to get both playable at the same time.

What I am looking for is a script (I can do some simple modifying if necessary), or a method of getting both Skyrim to play at the same time using xbox controllers. I searched and searched and tweaked here and there and I thought I came close, but the issue always comes back to Skyrim only allowing one input at a time. I also need to do this without virtualization. Virtual gpu's are not capable of running Skyrim decent enough to have mods and decent graphics. Also, I'd need to run the virtualization though another computer to make the input necessary. Apparently I'm one of very few trying to get two copies of Skyrim playable at the exact same time.

I believe it has to be possible without virtualization because of a mod that makes it possible for one player to control the main player and another to control a follower, but only within the same game. I need a similar method that can work across multiple copies of Skyrim. Any help would be appreciated.

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Marie Maillos
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Post » Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:38 pm

I don't think its possible in Windows, because Windows only allows one application to have 'focus' at a time. Multitasking is simply having multiple applications open and having the ability to quickly switch between them, at will. Input is only allowed on one application.

'Two player' input on one instance of Skyrim is possible because its technically only one input just partitioned input binding.

Unfortunately, this is a Windows limitation and really has nothing to do with Skyrim.

edit: I guess you could automate switching between two applications quickly and then binding each application differently. However, I don't think Windows can unload/load application quickly enough to have a playable experience (at least not with demanding applications like games).

Even if it worked, you would basically halve the framerate, and most likely it would make the game very unstable (memory allocation issues).

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