Hello there,
I don't know if this topic has been covered or not already but recently I have been having an issue with my Skyrim game on the PC.
This issue comes from me as the player going into the third person point of view, every time I press the F key to go into third person it crashes the game just closes it entirely. Many of you may say "It's a mod causing this issue..". I have removed every mod in my game and it still happens when I press the F key it crashes my skyrim game. Now I know the game is 4 years old and I don't expect a response immediately but any response to help me and I would be very grateful, I've had that itch to go and play Skyrim again recently hence why me wanting to try and play it. My man hours according to Steam are 600 plus and that is across 2 characters and yes the F key crash happens on both of these characters. So deleting my saves it out of the question for me because the amount of hours I've put into both of these characters and I'm weary for a reinstall for fear of losing these characters.
So as you can see I'm in a predicament, I want to play Skyrim but can't play because the F key crash happens. Hopefully someone on this forum can help me out and send me on my merry way.