Lack of spell creation is the first actual bad thing I heard about Skyrim. Tough if the spell system is improved enough with new mechanics then it may be a worthy trade-off... but it better be damned good.
The other info is positive. I am glad we are not getting towns made of 2 houses and villages made of 1 house again.
That is precisely why I would not consider them true RPGs either, as they lack the R from RPG.
The correct term would be CRPG, not RPG (CRPG is a genre inspired by Pen'n'Paper RPG's but you can't have an actual RPG in Video Games... at least not with current technology). It is totally different but people prefer using RPG rather then CRPG when defining a game genre.
We're going to be combining spells anyway, isn't that kinda like making your own spells?
Combining spells was something people thought we might get because of dual wielding and being able to have two spells in hands.
Bethesda confirmed rumors to be false tough... tough they also said they would try to implement it... but don't hope too much.