What does a JoaT character look like in Skyrim though? In Previous games, they were all the same. They all had 100 in all skills and 100 in all attributes: they could all do the same things.
The Perk system in Skyrim stops that. A JoaT will never (without cheats) be able to do everything.
What should a character be able to do to be a JaoT then? My answer to this is they must be able to act like any of the three archetypes, this means the ability to:
1 Blow stuff up with magic
2 Sneak up to stuff and stab it
3 Charge in and tank & spank.
To this end, I'm trying this character:
Race: Breton is probably the power choice. I'll choose Dunmer. Haven't played one of them yet.
Perked Skills:
Destruction (just Lightning Damage + Impact)
Enchant (5/5 + Insightful, Corpus and Extra Effect)
One Handed (Armsman 5 + Everything for Dual Wield + a point or two in Bladesman)
Smithing (Light Armour Path - means no daedric weapons)
Light Armour (As few as possible to cap out Dragon Scale + get Wind Walker)
Sneak (all, minus a couple of Sneak ranks)
gives ~50 perks
Unperked skills
Archery (back up ranged weapon)
Restoration (patching up after a fight)
Lock picking (doesn't need any perks)
Speech (can't not level this up...)
From other characters, the most dangerous enemies early on are hard-hitting boss melee and the stronger casters. The plan is to put most of the early perks into destruction to get the Impact perk ASAP. This gives a safe way of dealing with these early threats.
I'm planning on not power levelling Smithing / Enchanting, but just keep it around the One Handed / Destruction level, and actually use the skills to level them. Might need to revise this if I end up running out of Magicka too much and need that -25% x 4 destruction enchantment early.
Post level 50, I think I'll put perks into Alchemy and go the full Alchemy / Enchant / Smith route to godhood. That still leaves ~20 perks to spend as I please. It's currently a bit light on magic, so probably go there - starting with conjuration for twin soul undead thralls. Maybe go for the Alteration magic resist perks too.
Anyone else trying a JoaT? Anyone have a completely different view of what a Skyrim JoaT would look like?