So I just learned that a legendary edition of Skyrim is scheduled to come out this summer and I was wondering if the PC version will come with all the DLC included on disc? The reason I ask is that I read somewhere that the DLC will only be on disc for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Skyrim. Is this information accurate? Or have I been mislead? How has Bethesda handled DLC in regards to other GOTY style editions for PC games in the past? Have they included downloadable content on disc or just included a voucher to download it online?
I am asking this because I live in a rural area where high speed internet is unavailable and I cannot download dlc with my dial-up. So if the the PC version comes with a voucher to download the content I will be forced to buy the PS3 version instead, I would much rather have the PC version due to superior graphics, etc, but if it doesn't have the dlc on disc I will have to make due.
I know its probably a bit premature of me to ask, as information on the legendary edition just became available, but if you know anything about how the DLC will be handled for the PC version, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share any information.