So i decided to buy Skyrim again since i kind of regret selling it. Anyways i purchased the legendary edition (PS3 Essentials) version but it looks like it comes with no patch.
The reason why i think the game isn't running on the latest patch (or anything for that matter) is because the framerate drop is is terrible and textures wont pop-up even when i'm right in front of stuff.
The draw distance is also extremely close (20-30 meters) before trees or bushes pop up. I've checked for updates on the disc but it says that the latest update is installed, but no such update came up downloading and installing when i first installed the game. It only installed the game alone and then the game started.
Anybody else having this issue with the essential version? Maybe its because i got a new used PS3 with only 120GB available instead of my old 320GB? Maybe it's this essentials version of the game there's something wrong with?
Thanks and hope somebody will offer a solution.
(EDIT) Seems like i can get it to run a little better if i don't install the DLC. However that really svcks since i mainly bought this edition because i love the DLC so much. Anyone have similar issues and/or know of a solution?