I am currently doing a very large let's play of Skyrim which has almost reached it's 50th part and is totaled to be over 15 hours of footage of JUST myself. Reason I say that is because my let's play channel not only includes me, but one of my great pals Von. He's got a real nice European accent and I find him very enjoyable to watch .
Without further adiue, the adventure: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rpjX4SXCcs[/media]
the playlist where ALL of my parts are nicely organized can be found on the channel, as well as Von's.
And here's Von the magnificent's adventure : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzzVL0H3t98[/media]
I have to say for his first let's play ever, he did a real fine job.
Lastly I would like to add, my microphone quality starts becoming noticeably bad around part 13 of my (Parker Play's) videos, and that actually has a very funny story to tell which you will find out in part 25.
Converse my lovelies.