I'd say that one static screenshot is not really enough to judge a game's lighting, especially when you're comparing it to a video. Now, I do agree that the screenshot doesn't indicate a major improvement in lighting quality, it doesn't even show these new dynamic shadows that Skyrim is supposed to have. I'm just not going to judge this based on one screenshot. In any case, the models and the textures in the screenshot look pretty nice, and I like the look of that waterfall in the background, although I wish I could get a closer look at it (And the river it flows into.) Really, the only major criticism I can find with that screenshot is that it doesn't make the lighting in the game look that good.
Of course, I don't expect Skyrim to look better than, or even as good as Crysis anyway. I just expected, and still do, an improvement over Oblivion and Fallout 3.
Not really. While a PC could probably crank things a little higher than the console, the 360 isn't going to be running Skyrim's minimum settings. Things like an object's ability to project shadows are going to be consistent across all platforms.
Not to mention if the quality of lighting is a setting that can be altered in graphics settings at all, which it is not in many games I've played, it's probably not going to be the sort of thing that can look significantly better on the PC version than the console versions. If the settings on the PC version can be set higher than the console versions at all, it's probably going to be things like object draw distance and such, maybe we'll also get the option for very high texture quality whereas the console version is only set to high. Maybe we'll see Dirext X10 or even 11 support, but I'd think that would be worth talking about when announcing the new engine myself, so I doubt it, and even running Crysis on a computer that doesn't support DX10 it still looks a lot better than Oblivion, in terms of the technical quality of graphics.
Not to mention a lot of players are going to be playing the game on consoles, you can hardly say that how the game runs on consoles "doesn't matter" or anything