1 - thanks for making YET ANOTHER thread to bash on graphics that we barely even seen yet. this must be the 10th thread about this exact picture I see
2 - I'll say the same thing as I said on the other: LOOK AROUND CAREFULLY! it looks like it's a cloudy, foggy day (or mostly foggy in that place anyways). even in reality there aren't many shadows in that kind of weather
3 - Of course, they'd OBVIOUSLY keep the best looking screens for the first time in a magasine.
4 - Are you desperate to find something to whine about?
Please read my entire post before replying1 - Thanks for posting yet another comment complaining that I'm complaining about shadows. Think hard. Lighting is not the same as shadows. It encompasses far more than the absence of light(shadows). Please reread the OP. When I first made this thread I wasn't think about shadows. I am talking about how Oblivion and Skyrim look similar. Oblivion has little to no shadow effects. Therefore it would be
snip to jump to the conclusion that I am talking about shadows specifically.
2 - I have bought the magazine and I can see how Skyrim looks different from Oblivion, but I also see the similarities. Specifically, the shininess of most things with a normal map and the bizarre way lighting creates artificial depth to objects with normal maps(hoping for tessellation on the PC version). If you have the GI issue open to page 54 and look at the screen at the top. Look at the texture and how light effects that grizzly man's kilt. It looks terrible. Page 49, bottom of the page. Look at the birch tree in that scene. Birch bark does not reflect light at all. Welcome to the shiny barked forests of Skyrim.
3 - I can see a lot of things I like in the screens from the GI issue. I like the shadows. Weather patterns aside, if these screens are from the 360, the distant shadows would presumably turned off. Shadows are a very good/big change and one that will make Skyrim look different than Oblivion. Screens I like from the GI, pg52 2 at the bottom, pg53 both on this page, pg55 both, pg56-59 all screens on these pages. The ice wraiths, dragons, giant spider, wolves, and barmaid all look great. I also like how all of the armor looks. Huge improvement from Oblivion to Skyrim. Armors and weapons that I actually want to collect.