Skyrim is Like The Film "Babe"

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:11 pm

I gotta say, if that was my daughter I would've punched her face in so hard you could see the dent on the back of her head. In simpler terms, I would crush her skull with my fist.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:00 am

True, but this is vastly different, which nullifies your point and the point it was responding to.

In a restaurant, the kids aren't being restricted on what they can have (outside of alcohol) by the restaurant. They are restricted by a third party. Which makes that whole point moot.

As for your response to the now "moot-ified" point, you can request a steak cooked at a restaurant to be cooked a certain way because they allow it. Furthermore, it not being made to how you asked is on them because they asked you how you would like it. Finally, it being returned worse would be on them more because it is poor customer service with a service they chose to provide to you. None of that correlates to making a video game. They do not tailor it to how you want. They may take suggestions from the community as a whole, but at the end of the day they make the steak how they decide to make it and you buy it as is. Sure if enough people have a problem with the steak they add some garnish but the metaphor doesn't work past that.

Video games aren't designed to fit user specifications.

Pretty sure if people order a US$60 meal, and the service and quality of the meal is not up to standard, they have the right to complain.

And the manager cannot say, "But the cook tried his best to cook it, he worked very hard for 10 minutes. Please, don't complain, you're being rude and inconsiderate".

And other people who ordered the same thing from other tables cannot tell you "Hey buddy, I ordered the same meal and it's fine for me. Stop complaining, you're very rude."

And we don't even know what the OP considers rude. Constructive criticism? Feedback? Opinions that he doesn't share?
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:36 am

I wouldn't be surprised if a fair bit over half of the complainers know nothing about programming and the over half of the remaining part complain about stuff which someone else most likely likes, because it's just a matter of opinion if wolves should have grey or brown or black fur. A small bit of the remaining complainers are old TES fans and are complaining about the lack of some "deep" stuff, such as spell making and levitation and spears and throwing weapons. The rest of the complainers are most likely a mixed bunch of immersion seekers that cry bloody tears when something unrealistic happens or something similar.

At least you admitted the game wasnt deep. And yes that IS an insult to a TES game. Dont give a flying [censored] if people who like fps like the game, TES was the last good rpg, and now there isnt even that left.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:36 pm

It was with regard to releasing a game with problems - this happens. 'Fixing' and in the same process causing major cross platform bugs...people have every right to be cross about that. Pushing the PC patch out when it didn't have to...irresponsible.

There's a lot wrong here from a service viewpoint, I'm not going to bother breaking down every little part but it is plain to see there are not insignificant issues - people are paying customers, thus far they are being treated pretty badly and frankly it's quite offensive to see the number of apologists telling them they have no right to be annoyed about it.

Well, that said, I'll just add this then duck out: I've been gaming for decades and this this literally the first time I've went out of my way to AVOID a patch.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:02 pm

True, but this is vastly different, which nullifies your point and the point it was responding to.

In a restaurant, the kids aren't being restricted on what they can have (outside of alcohol) by the restaurant. They are restricted by a third party. Which makes that whole point moot.

As for your response to the now "moot-ified" point, you can request a steak cooked at a restaurant to be cooked a certain way because they allow it. Furthermore, it not being made to how you asked is on them because they asked you how you would like it. Finally, it being returned worse would be on them more because it is poor customer service with a service they chose to provide to you. None of that correlates to making a video game. They do not tailor it to how you want. They may take suggestions from the community as a whole, but at the end of the day they make the steak how they decide to make it and you buy it as is. Sure if enough people have a problem with the steak they add some garnish but the metaphor doesn't work past that.

Video games aren't designed to fit user specifications.

90% of the people in the world would probably just be happy they're eating a steak dinner. 5% would probably just up and leave and not say a word. Then you have the other 5% the would make a huge scene out of it, embarass the hell out of themselves, and give everyone else in the resturant a story to tell the next day at work. The last 5% is the majority of what you see on thse forums. I doubt most of them too would act this way in a resturant in front of other people because they'd be too scared of the social stigma that comes with making an ass out of yourself.

Speaking of mootifying a point.
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Becky Cox
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:57 pm

At least you admitted the game wasnt deep. And yes that IS an insult to a TES game. Dont give a flying [censored] if people who like fps like the game, TES was the last good rpg, and now there isnt even that left.

Actually, I didn't. I think it has more depth than any TES so far. That's why I said "deep" as in not-deep. Just because you can make a fireball of 30 damage and a fireball of 31 damage doesn't make a game deep.
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:05 pm

Welcome to the internet buddy. The contemporary wild west, here we don't give a [censored] about anyone or anything. I've seen so many sincere questions getting ripped apart with rude comments. What's up with that? If you don't dare tell it to people's faces don't write it, simplicity itself. Anonomity really brings out the worst in people.

How many of the over-the-top-complainers on this forum do you really think would get all up in Todd's face, like: "WTF TODD!!!! YOU AND YOUR CREW FORGOT THIS AND THAT, THE GAME SUXS DONKEY BALLS. [censored] BUTHESDA". My guess is noone.
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:34 am

How many of the over-the-top-complainers on this forum do you really think would get all up in Todd's face, like: "WTF TODD!!!! YOU AND YOUR CREW FORGOT THIS AND THAT, THE GAME SUXS DONKEY BALLS. [censored] BUTHESDA". My guess is noone.

No one that I know of has said that here. Except, obviously, you.

In fact, no one in this thread, including the OP, specifically referred to any ACTUAL complaint or any ACTUAL individual who made one. Instead, the OP claims you've gotten a "Christmas present," and that everyone who has any problem with it is being childish. And, somewhat ironically, you are arguing that point in precisely the same way that an extraordinarily bratty six-year-old might. (Although, technically, you should have italicized the all-caps to represent shouting in a sing-songy voice to mock your opponent's imaginary argument - but that's really a minor distinction.)

BTW, I don't know or care what you have ever said to "Todd's" face, but you are more than welcome to speak to me in person with the same manners you're using right now. Please trust me when I tell you that I would have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever. It's only when you people are hundreds of miles outside convenient slapping radius that you're capable of being more than marginally irritating.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:55 pm

I agree. Some just can't stand the idea that this games is not taken straight from their dreams, doesn't fulfill all their wishes and does everything they want, the way they want. I enjoy the game as something that has been created by someone else. Someone who put a lot of work to make it appealing to as many people as possible and that someone who did a great job. Game really is awesome, and if it's not the same as, or doesn't have the same things Arena/Daggerfall/Morrowind/Oblivion had that's better, because we can experience rich and diverse world of TES in different way.

Beautiful. :bowdown:
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:11 pm

It isn't rude to discuss the obvious faults the game has. I love this game to death, but the fact is it's glitchy and full of questionable (in my opinion) design choices. Honestly, there are times when I feel like I'm oozing with love for Skyrim, and other times I feel like I'm playing a half-finished game. Rudeness is all in how a comment is presented. Bethesda doesn't get a free pass just because they made the game. We paid money. We are consumers, and if a product isn't up to snuff, it needs to be made known. They didn't spend ages crafting skyrim, and giving it to us out of love. They made a game to make money, we bought it, and now there is well-deserved criticism.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:43 pm

I love that movie, it was soooo gooood. Anyway, yeah I guess people are upset that the game is crashing on their computer or whatever is wrong.

I don't really get the people whining over minor moddable subjectivisms
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:38 pm

Lmao, I love Babe.

Farmer Hoggett is like the every man I love. I get so bored of watching the hater guy, and the dumb guy. Love the worker guy. *(but don't use this lol, most ppl got addiction to electronic online so are liar and not like Babe!)
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:42 pm

You wouldn't go in to art gallery and smash the place up because the artist used a colour you did not like. It would however be perfectly acceptable to comment on the picture and critque it in a polite and reasoned manner. A lot of internet complainer tend to forge reason and just scream away.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:13 pm

It isn't rude to discuss the obvious faults the game has. I love this game to death, but the fact is it's glitchy and full of questionable (in my opinion) design choices. Honestly, there are times when I feel like I'm oozing with love for Skyrim, and other times I feel like I'm playing a half-finished game. Rudeness is all in how a comment is presented. Bethesda doesn't get a free pass just because they made the game. We paid money. We are consumers, and if a product isn't up to snuff, it needs to be made known. They didn't spend ages crafting skyrim, and giving it to us out of love. They made a game to make money, we bought it, and now there is well-deserved criticism.

I'm all in for the constructive criticism, I haven't encounter to much glitches (lucky me I supose : ) and I wouldn't want them to pospone the game an,y longer until it's "perfect", because it never will. What I do miss is the devs to ask opinions on problematic matters (not taling about bugs etc, more about design choices). It won't be perfect for everyone ever, but they could at least try to get it the right way for the mass imo :)
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:10 pm

I think most of the anologies along with the steak anologies should go out the window. A much better comparison would be to other forms of digital entertainment, such as movies.

Also, there's always gonna be that person, demanding to receive a refund. (A relic of times past.) That person has used the product and therefore not entitled to a refund, much akin to someone seeing a movie and not enjoying it.

However, I find the vast majority of the forum "whining" (complaints) to be people asking "y u do this bethesda" and "please fix X it's broken". Most of these do not include vulgar language and just include an opinion of which direction the game should take. These complaints are usually perfectly valid, and usually come from fans of the TES series. This makes a lot of sense, because a great deal of people not absorbed into the lore as "hardcoe" fans will purchase the title on merits of things they see in ads or what their friends say about it. Thus the fans help shape the series and bring in more fans.

A LOT of people on the forums seem to go around finding these complaints and trying to start an argument because they love the game so much that they need to defend it from the wrath of horrible ungrateful children.

Although it's true that a lot of these complaints could be written better, could be more clear, and so on, I'm really not too sure if people going around attacking these posts are trollin' or just want everyone to feel the same way they do. Either way, it's important to remember that this is a product, and no one is "ungrateful" because they didn't experience the game the same way you experienced it, and thus have differing opinions on the title.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:13 am

I'm all in for the constructive criticism, I haven't encounter to much glitches (lucky me I supose : ) and I wouldn't want them to pospone the game an,y longer until it's "perfect", because it never will. What I do miss is the devs to ask opinions on problematic matters (not taling about bugs etc, more about design choices). It won't be perfect for everyone ever, but they could at least try to get it the right way for the mass imo :)

The trouble is, I feel like it needed more time. They wanted to hit that silly 11-11-11 date and I think it should've been delayed. It's glitchy, all the questlines are ridiculously short and shallow, and there are severe issues with certain playstyles being ridiculously potent while others fall short. Had this been a Gothic game, or Divinity 4, it would've tanked and people would've been all up in arms. Because it's a TES game, people seem to want to overlook everything, no matter how awful it is. I'm really enjoying parts of Skyrim, though I'm also really hating others. Now I've got a patch which has broken my resistances. It isn't the consumer's fault Bethesda keeps fumbling.
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