Skyrim is Like The Film "Babe"

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:00 pm

As the film "Babe" progresses the farmer is painstakingly building a hand crafted dollhouse.

He spends ages crafting, building, painting and furnishing this labour of love which he gives to his grand daughter on Christmas day.

When she pulls the wrapping paper back she screams and wails in horror, crying at the top of her voice "It's not the one from the TV"!

It's a great tool for any parent who wants to teach their child a lesson regarding ungratefulness and a lack of respect for others.

Sadly it seems to apply to 75% of complaints made here on these boards and in equal measure to the people who challenge such complaints.

There are loads of great ideas regarding ways to change the game, even improve upon what's already there.

Unfortunately most of them will be overshadowed and forgotten because of the manner in which they were raised.

I'm genuinely shocked by how rude people can be towards the folks who put so much time and effort into the masterpieces which are the Elder Scrolls games.

If I'm ever that rude myself I hope someone will take the time to try and point out that's not really a good way to be.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:03 pm

Agreed, though the behavior no longer shocks me.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:06 pm

That'll do, pig.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:56 pm

Holy freaking nostalgiatrip.
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SWagg KId
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:17 am

We got all the right to be ungrateful for a messy mess that costed most of us 70$ or more.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:02 pm

I still don't understand what Skyrim has to do with Babe.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:20 am

Haha awesome post man just awesome
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:34 am

Your comments aren't that rude.

From the topic I was expecting you to go down the "talking pigs" road.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:33 pm

I agree. Some just can't stand the idea that this games is not taken straight from their dreams, doesn't fulfill all their wishes and does everything they want, the way they want. I enjoy the game as something that has been created by someone else. Someone who put a lot of work to make it appealing to as many people as possible and that someone who did a great job. Game really is awesome, and if it's not the same as, or doesn't have the same things Arena/Daggerfall/Morrowind/Oblivion had that's better, because we can experience rich and diverse world of TES in different way.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:56 am

What about the sequel, "Babe: Pig in the city"? Does that apply too?

I agree that a lot of complaints are bottomless, but constructive criticism definitely doesn't hurt.
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carrie roche
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:15 pm

What you fail to understand is that Skyrim isn't a gift, it's a product. It's a product that consumers pay $65.00 for in a crappy economy from a market that doesn't demand any form of quality control. I can put Morrowind in right now and not experience a single game breaking glitch, while having a genuine adventure experience. The same can be said for more than 90% of my games in my vast collection. If I put Fallout: New Vegas in right now or Skyrim, I have numerous glitches and parts of the game I can't complete at all. Corrupted save files that were far enough that it wouldn't be worth starting over. Most of my other games weren't advertised as "Whole new engine, dynamic AI, Play how you want to play" and yet failed to deliver.

Your comparison isn't a fair one. It's more like the farmer sold his grandaughter a slightly worn dollhouse for $60.00

A few years later, he steals it from her and slaps a coat of fresh paint on it. He then takes out a couple of the chairs and paintings because "they were unnecessary." He also glues some of the doors shut. He then turns around and sells this dollhouse back to his grandaughter for $60.00

Also, she can only play with it while at his house.

He promises her that he will fix it, but every time he tries he just breaks more stuff on the house.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:23 am

We got all the right to be ungrateful for a messy mess that costed most of us 70$ or more.

What you fail to understand is that Skyrim isn't a gift, it's a product. It's a product that consumers pay $65.00 for in a crappy economy from a market that doesn't demand any form of quality control. I can put Morrowind in right now and not experience a single game breaking glitch, while having a genuine adventure experience. The same can be said for more than 90% of my games in my vast collection. If I put Fallout: New Vegas in right now or Skyrim, I have numerous glitches and parts of the game I can't complete at all. Corrupted save files that were far enough that it wouldn't be worth starting over. Most of my other games weren't advertised as "Whole new engine, dynamic AI, Play how you want to play" and yet failed to deliver.

Your comparison isn't a fair one. It's more like the farmer sold his grandaughter a slightly worn dollhouse for $60.00

A few years later, he steals it from her and slaps a coat of fresh paint on it. He then takes out a couple of the chairs and paintings because "they were unnecessary." He also glues some of the doors shut. He then turns around and sells this dollhouse back to his grandaughter for $60.00

Also, she can only play with it while at his house.

He promises her that he will fix it, but every time he tries he just breaks more stuff on the house.

While I disagree entirely with almost everything in these two posts, they have one thing completely and utterly correct: the game was a purchase, not a gift, and nobody owes Bethesda "gratitude". Bethesda didn't do anybody a favor, they made a product and sold it. I differ from these two posters in that I am eminently satisfied with the purchase and consider it in contention with Arkham City for best game of the year, and I quite respect the talent and vision it took to craft the game - but I am in complete agreement that nobody owes anybody any "gratitude" for the game, whether it's a lemon or a great game.

No more gratitude is owed than you would if you had bought a steak; whether that steak was a tough, tasteless piece of leather or the most mouth-watering thing you've ever eaten, you paid for it, neither the restaurant nor the chef did you any favor, and you don't owe either one any gratitude. I'm all for countering the more nerd-rage-y [censored]fests, but let's not go to far in the other direction.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:33 pm

Some people are just ignorant, selfish, rude, ungrateful or aragant, it's a depressing fact of life.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:06 pm

While I disagree entirely with almost everything in these two posts, they have one thing completely and utterly correct: the game was a purchase, not a gift, and nobody owes Bethesda "gratitude". Bethesda didn't do anybody a favor, they made a product and sold it. I differ from these two posters in that I am eminently satisfied with the purchase and consider it in contention with Arkham City for best game of the year, and I quite respect the talent and vision it took to craft the game - but I am in complete agreement that nobody owes anybody any "gratitude" for the game, whether it's a lemon or a great game.

No more gratitude is owed than you would if you had bought a steak; whether that steak was a tough, tasteless piece of leather or the most mouth-watering thing you've ever eaten, you paid for it, neither the restaurant nor the chef did you any favor, and you don't owe either one any gratitude. I'm all for countering the more nerd-rage-y [censored]fests, but let's not go to far in the other direction.

I never said I didn't like the game. I think it's fantastic and I really hope it gets game of the year. There are just a lot of problems that I wish they would fix so that I feel like my purchase was validated. If we don't speak our voice, we won't be heard, and those of us experiencing the problems will not get a fix. I admit that some people have no idea how to voice their problems or opinions in peaceful manner, but there are those of us who have legitimate problems making the game unplayable. I think it has the potential to be the best in the Elder Scrolls series - once they fix some of the issues people are having.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:17 pm

As the film "Babe" progresses the farmer is painstakingly building a hand crafted dollhouse.

He spends ages crafting, building, painting and furnishing this labour of love which he gives to his grand daughter on Christmas day.

When she pulls the wrapping paper back she screams and wails in horror, crying at the top of her voice "It's not the one from the TV"!

It's a great tool for any parent who wants to teach their child a lesson regarding ungratefulness and a lack of respect for others.

Sadly it seems to apply to 75% of complaints made here on these boards and in equal measure to the people who challenge such complaints.

There are loads of great ideas regarding ways to change the game, even improve upon what's already there.

Unfortunately most of them will be overshadowed and forgotten because of the manner in which they were raised.

I'm genuinely shocked by how rude people can be towards the folks who put so much time and effort into the masterpieces which are the Elder Scrolls games.

If I'm ever that rude myself I hope someone will take the time to try and point out that's not really a good way to be.

And I thought it was about a pig who wanted to herd sheep.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:42 pm

''if there are 3 humans in a room there will surely be 6 opinions'' samara mass effect 2 ......humans gotta voice themselves man we all have different ways of doing it some subtle,some nice, some angry,some sad, some confused, it goes on and on like a bag o skittles,...... :intergalactic:
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:53 pm

I was thinking along the same lines. I remember that video, "Sounds of Skyrim", with that quiet guy : he freaking gets into the woods to sample the right sounds. Imagine that. Just saying, I kinda hope that guy and those like him don't read the forums all that much. They probably don't have enough distance to appreciate that the reaction are not a reflection of what everybody thinks, or not even what the complainer actually feels - you don't play 50+ hours hating everything.

However :
We got all the right to be ungrateful for a messy mess that costed most of us 70$ or more.

Much as I dislike "customer is always right" reactions, I mean, these days, all of us are kinda watching every penny. Makes people cranky spending money on stuff that breaks down, even if it's bound to be fixed sooner or later.

I can remember how it was when Oblivion was out. These hectic forums are nothing new. Still am I ever amazed at some of the rage I'm seeing. When all's said and done, it's a game.
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Rach B
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:56 pm

No more gratitude is owed than you would if you had bought a steak; whether that steak was a tough, tasteless piece of leather or the most mouth-watering thing you've ever eaten, you paid for it, neither the restaurant nor the chef did you any favor, and you don't owe either one any gratitude.

That's a much more apt anology.

Just as I have nothing but respect for the hardworking farmers who raised the cow, I also have nothing but respect for the programmers and artists who program computer games. Even if there are glitches, I know full well how that happens, and I'm very tolerant, as long as the game is eventually playable.

The part I will gladly throw a screaming fit about is when someone RUINS all that hard work by making what I perceive as patently foolish decisions. To use your anology, it's as if the chef decided to boil my sirloin steak. I would have a quick word or two with him about that. And I would have precisely the same amount of "gratitude" toward the twirp sitting in the corner inanely whinging about the plight of the poor, put-upon sharecroppers of the world.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:44 pm

That's a much more apt anology.

Just as I have nothing but respect for the hardworking farmers who raised the cow, I also have nothing but respect for the programmers and artists who program computer games. Even if there are glitches, I know full well how that happens, and I'm very tolerant, as long as the game is eventually playable.

The part I will gladly throw a screaming fit about is when someone RUINS all that hard work by making what I perceive as patently foolish decisions.

The steak anology is an excellent one.

In a restaurant who are the only people you ever see throwing a screaming hissy fit because they didn't get their way?

It's not the advlts.

Though there would be some comedy value in watching you demand to see the professional chef to tell him he doesn't know how to cook a steak.

I wonder if you'd end up wearing it?

The Nord with the Sword
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:53 pm

The steak anology is an excellent one.

In a restaurant who are the only people you ever see throwing a screaming hissy fit because they didn't get their way?

It's not the advlts.

Though there would be some comedy value in watching you demand to see the professional chef to tell him he doesn't know how to cook a steak.

I wonder if you'd end up wearing it?

The Nord with the Sword

If I sent a requested well done steak back for being rare and I got a new one, this time blue, you're goddamned right I'd be having words.
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Da Missz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:32 pm

I wouldn't be surprised if a fair bit over half of the complainers know nothing about programming and the over half of the remaining part complain about stuff which someone else most likely likes, because it's just a matter of opinion if wolves should have grey or brown or black fur. A small bit of the remaining complainers are old TES fans and are complaining about the lack of some "deep" stuff, such as spell making and levitation and spears and throwing weapons. The rest of the complainers are most likely a mixed bunch of immersion seekers that cry bloody tears when something unrealistic happens or something similar.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:13 pm

As disgusting as the attitude of a lot of people are, I find it almost more worrying that theres so many people that diliberately ride the fence on every little minor issue. Like saying "I love the game, but constructive critisism is ok I guess." When did it become so fashionable to not have a solid viewpoint on anything? And just because you really DO feel that way doesnt mean you have to say it at every opportunity. I swear some kids just say it because they dont want to appear to be a really devoted fan while still singing their praises of the game, they dont wanna make anyone angry. I dont know, I remember back in the Nintendo days it was as easy as this game is cool or this game svcks, no beating around the bush about it and trying not to hurt anyones feelings.

Skyrim to me is an awesome game and an awesome experience, and Im not going to apologize for my belief or try to accomodate anyone elses freakin opinion on it. Im not going to try to cover myself by saying "but the games not perfect". Who cares? I didnt buy the game expecting perfection so that is as irrelevent as saying the game does not make a good ingredient in stew. And anyone who did expect it to be perfect should be dragged into the street and beaten like that little girl on Babe (never watched that movie but if that was my kid I woulda slapped the taste out of her mouth for being a little punk.)
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:50 pm

I still don't understand what Skyrim has to do with Babe.

It's a metamorph.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:16 pm

If I sent a requested well done steak back for being rare and I got a new one, this time blue, you're goddamned right I'd be having words.

True, but this is vastly different, which nullifies your point and the point it was responding to.

In a restaurant, the kids aren't being restricted on what they can have (outside of alcohol) by the restaurant. They are restricted by a third party. Which makes that whole point moot.

As for your response to the now "moot-ified" point, you can request a steak cooked at a restaurant to be cooked a certain way because they allow it. Furthermore, it not being made to how you asked is on them because they asked you how you would like it. Finally, it being returned worse would be on them more because it is poor customer service with a service they chose to provide to you. None of that correlates to making a video game. They do not tailor it to how you want. They may take suggestions from the community as a whole, but at the end of the day they make the steak how they decide to make it and you buy it as is. Sure if enough people have a problem with the steak they add some garnish but the metaphor doesn't work past that.

Video games aren't designed to fit user specifications.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:40 pm

You like the film, Babe? o_O
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