The game size is being limited to a single dvd.
Only on one platform.
It's not just graphics when coming and going from pc to console
It's sound
it's physics (water, characters, objects, plants EVERYTHING in the game world even magic EVERYTHING can be impacted by physics if you have enough processing power)
it's environment interaction
Arma 3 a pc exclusive title
a 200km + map of extreme detial and amazing fidelity with nvidia phyx technology 400+ vehicels 200+ weapons ect and so on.
Infinity the quest for earth.
the size of the game is a to scale galaxy; that is it is the realistic size of an actual galaxy and you can travel anywhere in said galaxy. Watch the video see those stars in the background, that is not a picture background screen THOSE STARS ARE ACTUALLY THERE and you can travel to them. Every planet/star/everything is realistic in size. That is the power of a PC the ability to play around in a real galaxy.
Looked at what happened to crysis 2; sold like crap, hell crysis 1 a pc exclusive sold more than crysis 2.