Skyrim to look the same Graphically on all Sytems

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:01 am

Really? QQ some more. Guys, look at Gran Turismo 5.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:11 pm

It's in times like these we need a dev coming in the thread and confirming all the stuff; like Gstaff did with the leveling scaling.

Gstaff! Where are you? :(

I know! There have been countless threads on this topic and lots of anxiety over it :unsure2:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:04 am

If it'll stop PC users from bragging, then yes.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:31 am

EDIT: Took away post which could have create a PC vs Console war.
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El Khatiri
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:00 pm

You guys are gigantic crybabies. Yeah, I went there. :facepalm:
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:19 pm

You guys are gigantic crybabies. Yeah, I went there. :facepalm:

All that can be said has been said, the only hope I see is to make a big fuss about it >,<
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:18 am

Thing is, us PC users will buy the game on release day, then we will have to wait to discover all the .INI fixes, and endless websites to post "How to Tweak Skyrim for PC" articles.

Then we will have to wait a few months(maybe more) for a comprehensive texture pack. And that will get revised and added to for YEARS before it is final.

Then we will have the inevitable Skryim Graphics Extender, which will come years after release, constantly being tweaked and added to.

To top it off all of this will have larger hits on framerate because it was not implemented naturally.

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:44 pm

And just like that, hope is dashed again.

DCDeacon Pete Hines
@Soulece Oh I'm not saying we do. I was just clarifying your question. I really don't know whether we do or not. I haven't asked.

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:08 am

You guys are gigantic crybabies. Yeah, I went there. :facepalm:

It's always like that, nobody is able to just take what they get anymore. I'm not saying you shouldn't push developers to do their best, that's tremendously important, but knowing what to push and what not to push is more so.
What's really more important? That the game runs well, that the story is well presented and well written? That the characters are interesting or that it looks as good as it possibly can? Priorities differ from people to people, and while visuals are important, there are things Bethesda needs to work on more. bethesda knows how to make good looking games, they need to focus on their writing.

Would you rather have games that were all mediocre in the writing department but looked better and better? Or would you like a game that's good on both ends, offering a coherent and well rounded package?
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:37 am!/DCDeacon/status/29696431891677184 about the PC unique features. Frankly, the game will still look gorgeous using the console textures because my computer will ramp it's look up to Crysis level on it's own.

And just like that, hope is dashed again.

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:00 am

It's always like that, nobody is able to just take what they get anymore. I'm not saying you shouldn't push developers to do their best, that's tremendously important, but knowing what to push and what not to push is more so.
What's really more important? That the game runs well, that the story is well presented and well written? That the characters are interesting or that it looks as good as it possibly can? Priorities differ from people to people, and while visuals are important, there are things Bethesda needs to work on more. bethesda knows how to make good looking games, they need to focus on their writing.

Would you rather have games that were all mediocre in the writing department but looked better and better? Or would you like a game that's good on both ends, offering a coherent and well rounded package?

If bethesda uses the same people for both writing and graphics programming then we have bigger problems than consolesque graphics.
One does not affect the other, they are completely separate parts.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:06 pm

PC users are in the minority, it doesn't make sense for bethesda to commit resources towards a small group. Guys, the game is going to look awesome regardless, so stop getting mad.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:44 pm

Just fine with me, as I'm on the Xbox :)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:43 am

And just like that, hope is dashed again.

DCDeacon Pete Hines
@Soulece Oh I'm not saying we do. I was just clarifying your question. I really don't know whether we do or not. I haven't asked.


Might want to check my post on the previous page.

And eh. Sounds to me like the last post stands and now he's backtracking as he's not allowed to point specifics. I thought the guy who spoke to him in broken sentence did so to confuse Pete and have him answer specifically about the PC which seemed to world.

After he clarified seems Pete caught on(And maybe the original asker wasn't as bright as I thought.)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:11 pm

Does this mean that skyrim HD on xbox 360 won't look ANY better than the usual?
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:37 am

Im not pleased with the news by any means but im honestly not upset. We already get a huge advantage console players don't get. Mods, the ability to do anything we want.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:10 am

If this turns out to be true Skyrim better have way better optimization than Oblivion.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:38 am

It's always like that, nobody is able to just take what they get anymore. I'm not saying you shouldn't push developers to do their best, that's tremendously important, but knowing what to push and what not to push is more so.
What's really more important? That the game runs well, that the story is well presented and well written? That the characters are interesting or that it looks as good as it possibly can? Priorities differ from people to people, and while visuals are important, there are things Bethesda needs to work on more. bethesda knows how to make good looking games, they need to focus on their writing.

Would you rather have games that were all mediocre in the writing department but looked better and better? Or would you like a game that's good on both ends, offering a coherent and well rounded package?

What is to say we can't have both? If other all the other dev studios can do both (many with smaller staff, budget etc.) then why can't BGS?

Why can other companies release DX10/11 support easily through a patch, on games that don't sell as well, and BGS cannot?

Why must the FANs of the game, do all the work(for YEARS) to get the game up to snuff graphics wise, when in most other games all fans must do is slide a slider up to high?

Is the guy that is designing the shaders the same guy who writes the narrative now? I think not.

Games can have great graphics, gameplay, and narrative these days. That is now the standard for AAA. No reason BGS should be exempt.

All that said, I will reiterate that Skyrim is my most anticipated game. It would be a 1200am launch buy if it looked like Oblivion, or even morrowind. However, as a fan, I want to see the game be as great as it can be, instead of thinking of what might have been.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:11 am

to be honest its a GOOD thing cause I don't feel like upgrading my 2 year old 3000$ laptop

off course even if the game was better in term of graphics it would still run fine on medium on my PC

BUT that is not the main point my main point is that I really REALLY don't care about graphics as much as game-play, if they improved the shadows and some of the lighting I will be a happy camper, this is why I enjoy games more the the Graphix addict, because I still play black and white on my PC and enjoy it even though the graphix are old.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 10:56 pm

to be honest its a GOOD thing cause I don't feel like upgrading my 2 year old 3000$ laptop

off course even if the game was better in term of graphics it would still run fine on medium on my PC

BUT that is not the main point my main point is that I really REALLY don't care about graphics as much as game-play, if they improved the shadows and some of the lighting I will be a happy camper, this is why I enjoy games more the the Graphix addict, because I still pay black and white on my PC and enjoy it even though the graphix are old.

The selfishness and ignorance is ASTOUNDING. How many times has it been said/reiterated in this thread that there would be graphics sliders that allow you to tone down the graphics so that they run fine on your machine? Is this ignorance or selfishness. Please clarify. Thanks
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:44 am

A few high-res textures is something I wouldn't mind:

Crysis has indeed some amazing textures and occlusion technology (parallax mapping occlusion). And some wicked lighting...

I guess we just have to hope...
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:42 am

While it's certainly true that Morrowind was quite a good looking game for its time, they most certainly did hold back on the PC version of Oblivion. One of the first things people did when the game came out was figure out how to edit the .ini file to improve any number of graphical things that for whatever reason Bethesda didn't want changeable from an in-game menu. It was in their best interest to make the PC version not seem superior to the X360 would be my guess as to why. I'm not saying it's the same with Skyrim, but Oblivion was meant to be a launch title for the X360 (which didn't pan out)

In early 2006, when the 360 was brand new, exactly how much more powerful would the average gaming PC have been? I'm not trying to act as though I know more about any of this, I'm honestly just curious and don't know anything about your specific PC of the time.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:19 am

If bethesda uses the same people for both writing and graphics programming then we have bigger problems than consolesque graphics.
One does not affect the other, they are completely separate parts.

Really? Time and money needs to be spent on either one, and there is a finite amount of both. If you focus on each exactly as much you will end up with a pretty balanced result, if you focus on one more then you will need to put less effort into the other, unless you like the idea of running out of time or money.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:04 am

Really? Time and money needs to be spent on either one, and there is a finite amount of both. If you focus on each exactly as much you will end up with a pretty balanced result, if you focus on one more then you will need to put less effort into the other, unless you like the idea of running out of time or money.

It does not effect time as two different people can work simultaneously while not hindering each other. This is how game development works.

And are you really implying that adding support for a couple features on PC will cause BGS to run out of development money?


When the developers of games like MUCH lower budget games like Metro 2033, Alien VS Predator, Mirrors Edge, World in Conflict, Red Faction etc etc etc etc can do so with ease?

Even in the form of FREE post release patches on games that did not sell all that well?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:06 am

It does not effect time as two different people can work simultaneously while not hindering each other. This is how game development works.

And are you really implying that adding support for a couple features on PC will cause BGS to run out of development money?


When the developers of games like MUCH lower budget games like Metro 2033, Alien VS Predator, Mirrors Edge, World in Conflict, Red Faction etc etc etc etc can do so with ease?

Even the latest version of Gamebryo features DX 11... I'll be very surprised if Skyrim doesn't include support for DX11. Its a brand new engine. It will include support for at the very least DX 10 and most likely DX 11
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