Tell me, if you bought a 360/PS3 at launch, but dev's were still using the PS2 as the primary platform because it had a larger user base and sold more, would you be happy? You would be content that even though you just forked over a few hundred for a new console, that no developers were using it's potential, and your shiny new 2005/6 console was stuck playing games built for 5 year old hardware?
Well that is no different than the sentiment in this thread.
It's COMPLETELY different. In no way, shape, or form would the console industry have that much reliance on an old model. It's just a different type of industry. PS3 and 360 owners don't worry as much about upgrades because they know the potential for their consoles. While PC owners continue to ponder upgrading, console owners simple wait until the next big game hits the system they've grown accustomed to. No way of playing games is better than the other, each has its own pros and cons, just don't equate the PC market to the console market. I understand the meaning of this thread and I'm not saying that what you guys are complaining about is completely ridiculous.
Regardless, Skyrim looks beautiful and beauty comes with originality, scrutiny, and detail, not graphics cards or gaming consoles. If the experience is generally the same on all platforms, this gives Elder Scrolls fans more of a reason to unite under a single banner rather than a dissipated fanbase (PC modders, couch console players, etc). Let's love the game for what it is, embrace its amazing features, and indicate it's faults.
I beg Game Informer, and Bethesda for that matter, to ease the backlash: How about some HD screens? :thumbsup: