I responded to him and then removed the link before he responded and told me to remove the link again. How is what you said even rational? I wasn't flaming him anyways, it was more of a joke. Chill broski.
I know posting leaks is against the rules, I just wasn't aware that the map was leaked, there is a difference. Like I said before, it was a joke, it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. When I first started posting in this forum everyone seemed so relaxed and chill compared to other forums. I guess every forum has it's share of flamers etc.
I know posting leaks is against the rules, I just wasn't aware that the map was leaked, there is a difference. Like I said before, it was a joke, it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. When I first started posting in this forum everyone seemed so relaxed and chill compared to other forums. I guess every forum has it's share of flamers etc.
Nobody flamed you. We've all been more then helpful answering your question and ensuring you don't get in trouble for posting to leaked images.
As long as the mountains passes don't become the subways of Capital wasteland...it'll be big enough. I'm a little warry the only way up will be the given path thusly removing any aditional landmass the mountains may have given us...but going down should be fun.
Such fears are well-founded. The game world is actually tiny. You can traverse it in one large bound. Your character can have one foot in Solitude and the other in Riften.
You wouldn't have even known if it wasn't for him and to answer your first question, Todd said in an interview that it's 20% larger when you flatten out the mountains.
Todd said that? I thought that was a claim by some dubious Japanese magazine.
As for Skyrim being small, I think it will be more than enough to have a great game world in. It seems packed with detail, without wasting large amounts of space.
There are websites that contain the actual map of Tamriel and I must say Skyrim looks considerably smaller, however. The actual Skyrim in the game itself could very well be the size of cyrodiil and then some if and this is a big if I think they make the mountains very accesible and populated with areas all over it not just on top. As much as I love Bethesda if you watch what there saying they are operating with a guileness about themselves that im hoping is in our favor!
Oblivion never had mountains as big as Skyrim. There was not much content on Oblivions mountains(hills). Also its about the size of Oblivion take the developers word for it.
Chimps in space new elderscrolls woop wipping woop woop map will be what it will be play it carefully and it will be as big or small as you make it. Don't rush to see how big it is when you haven't even exsplored an inch. You'll hype your self up rush it go everywhere to quick and spoil the 'scale' of it no matter how big or small it ends up in comparison to anything, sk is it's own game. :tes:
As you may already know, a map of Skyrim has been released. I'm curious though, is the Skyrim world going to be smaller than Oblivion? Or are they around the same size? I was curious about this because when I watched the gameplay of them going up into the mountains, the mountains didn't look that far away. In fact, you could clearly see the dragon from what seems like it should be a considerable distance.
I guess that would all depend on your starting point in the 16sq miles there could be 2 to 6 miles on the other side of that mountain. Plus Skyrim will be shoreside region lets not forget the waters treasures