But, I would also like to say that the marriages in Skyrim have no real point other than simply to get gold from your spouse every little while. I know that marriages can be done in RPGs, Fable being a decent example, and I would love to see something quality like that in terms of marriage in Skyrim. With the marriages in the game, you literally feel no attachment to the spouse you choose. And to add on to that, there is no way to add any emotion into marriage via child or something of the like. The only way to get children is to adopt, and these kids already have a set background and name.
On top of that, there is no way to interact with your spouse other than using them as a vendor or having them bake a meal for you. There are games that have done this much better, and I dont want to reuse Fable as an example so ill use Dragon Age. In Dragon Age, you could feel a real attachment to the character through deep conversations and by uncovering their past. With the Skyrim spouses, there is nothing new to be discovered about your spouse, because they are given no real background and they have absolutely no emotion. The spouses interact with the Dragonborn in an almost robotic way, by simply saying something generic about how they love you, and then you leave them for an indefinite time on an adventure and only return to get their revenue from their shop.
In my opinion marriage in Skyrim is pointless, what are your opinions?