[relz] Skyrim mods by kuertee (thread 3)

Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:20 pm

details of changes (if any are of note) will always be in the 2nd post - the one below this.
orange: new or updated since the last time i edited this post.
? and bold: affects combat in one way or another - i.e. a combat mod.
All these mods are configurable. Details on how are in their full descriptions in their Readmes and on Nexus.

Actor behaviour mods
  • ?Fight or fly 0.704, 28 July 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15223 Actors will flee when they start to lose a fight. You can loot NPCs that yielded by conversing with them.
  • Horse commands 0.737, 2 August 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15225 Saddlebags. Horse AI (i.e. it stays or follows your depending on your situation). Sprint-charge. Horse encumbrance. Mounted followers.
  • Simple multiple followers 0.705, 2 August 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31581. Allows up to 10 followers and 10 pets.
  • Sightless senses 0.539, 9 April 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34569. The undead do not see and animals have heightened senses. The undead feel the player's presence. Animals detect the player with their heightened sense of smell and/or sight. In interior cells, any lights found far from NPCs are disabled. The effects are: darker dungeons and crypts, darker interiors when NPCs are asleep and NPCs with torches.
Realism mods
  • ?Battle fatigue and injuries 0.704, 30 July 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13241 Health loss can result in battle fatigue and injuries that require sleep to heal.
  • Disable lights far from actors 0.536, 2 January 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28625/ In interior cells, any lights found far from NPCs are disabled. The effects are: darker dungeons and crypts, darker interiors when NPCs are asleep and NPCs with torches.This has been upgraded as Sightless Senses above.
  • Eat and sleep 0.705, 2 August 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13246 The progress of time, combat and performing activities (e.g. armoursmithing, reading, etc.) require you to drink, eat and sleep.
  • Encumbering loot armour and weapons 0.7, 28 July 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13247 Weapons, armour and other items that are not equipped and number above the capacity limits have encumbering penalties.
  • Gold adjustment 0.7, 10 July 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13248 Gold adjustment limits your income by adjusting gold, gems, lockpicks and soul gems acquired from chests and gold from coin purses and quest rewards.
  • Professions 0.641, 1 April 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18258 Perform the duties of your profession for peace of mind and bonuses to Health, Magicka and Stamina. Ignore them for penalties.
  • Skills-based damage multipliers 0.702, 10 July 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21828/ Damage and magnitude are increased by a sliding factor from 1 to 5 depending on Skill
  • Vampirism tweaks 0.5, 15 Apr 2012: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15221 Disabled for now. Feed from dialogue, feed on newly dead NPCs, heal from feeding, blood-lust view, Vampirism stage progression bug-fix, etc.
Miscellaneous mods
  • Auto-first-third-person view 0.704, 10 July 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27452/ Automatically switches to your preferred view depending on these conditions: in dialogue, bow is drawn, ranged weapon is out, spell or staff is out, melee weapon is out, sprinting, sneaking, in interior or otherwise.
  • Auto-save and Time 0.704, 10 July 2013: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13239 Custom auto-save triggers, situation-dependant variable TimeScale, in-game and real-time alarm clocks
  • Tekuromoto's Less predictable respawn 0.5, 16 January 2012: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29973 Randomises respawn rates when you move between cells.
  • Actor events 0.5, 15 Apr 2012: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15219 Disabled for now. This is an ESM mod utility required by some of my mods. It tracks actors around the player.
  • Inventory and weight 0.5, 19 Mar 2012: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13244 Obsolete. This is an ESM mod utility required by some of my mods. It tracks the player's inventory and the weight of each item in it.
Utility mods
  • Actor details 0.5, 6 November 2012: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26538 Logs detailed information (e.g. Actor Values, Active Magic Effects, possibly corrupt Actor Values) on actors and gives the player an opportunity to fix possibly corrupt Actor Values.
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:07 am

July 2013 updates:

Auto-first-third-person view
0.704, 10 July 2013:
  • New feature: You can set your preferred view for when swimming.
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).

Auto-save and time
0.704, 10 July 2013:
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).

Battle fatigue and injuries
0.703, 28 July 2013:
  • Bug fix: The player alias was not initialised properly - causing the mod to ignore the player.
  • Bug fix: Followers were sometimes ignoring their updates causing them to ignore bandages that you give to them.
  • New feature: All followers' data are backed-up and restored on version updates.
0.701, 10 July 2013:
  • New feature: Multiple injuries (of the same type) can result from high damage in the one detection. Previously, only one injury can result from one iteration of the detection process. The number of injuries is (total health loss within userSecondsToPoolDamage) / (base health * userDamagePercToReceiveInjury). Basically, this is the (damage sustained) / (damage required for an injury). Set userAllowMultipleInjuriesPerDetection via the console, in the INI or via the MCM to disable this and return to the experience from previous versions.
  • Tweak: Players can seek healing from any NPC that is a member of the JobTrainerRestorationFaction. In the base game these are still: Danica Pure Spring, Collette Marence and Vigilant Carcette. But if you find a mod that has an NPC that should be able to heal serious injuries, just ask that mod's author to add that NPC to the JobTrainerRestorationFaction.
  • Bug-fix: Allow up to 10 followers to be commanded to go seek a healer. Previously, only one follower can do this - even if the Dialogue option was available to others. Of course, you need a multiple follower mod to be able to have 10 followers. You can try my Simple Multiplie Followers mod.
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).
  • Bug-fix: Fixes to the MCM's ping-back code. This will be the last time this bug will resurface - I hope. I found another instance when the RegisterForModEvent () for the ping-back is not registered or loses its registration in the previous version.

Eat and sleep
0.705, 2 August 2013:
  • Tweak: Skooma is removed from the drink list. I never paid attention to what Skooma was in both Oblivon and Skyrim. I always thought that Skooma was a liquid drink. The Wiki describes it as a narcotic solid. So I removed it from the drinks list. Thanks to Locksley for the heads-up.
  • Tweak: Newly acquired food will always show in the Food menu. Foods that will spoil sooner will make up the rest of the meals - as previous versions did.
  • New feature: When you take a seat within 10 seconds of acquiring new food (e.g. by cooking, buying or simply picking up a food item), the auto-eat will trigger. I recommend that you use the "Auto-eat shows food menu" feature - rather than "invisibly" auto-eating.
  • New feature: You can set the mod to always show 4 meals by setting userShowMealsOfSameSatiation. The default for this is False. If False, the behaviour is as per previous versions: meals that offer the same level of satiation are removed which limits the menu to only meals that have different satiation levels. If True, all generated meals are shown. Note that the mod tries to generate meals with 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of satiation.
  • Bug-fix: Some of the food that you set to be non-ingestible were ignored.
  • Tweak: Reprogrammed how the mod catalogues your food. In previous versions, the mod would scour through your inventory to find valid foods. This was a long process due to the number of items in the player's inventory. In this version, a variable array is used to mimic your food inventory. If you acquire or lose food items, this array is updated. Then the internal food list is built. And then the meals made - all in the background as you play. Processing this array is a much faster process. Note that you may still catch this process working if you click on the Food menu fork.
  • New feature: Your custom food settings (e.g. when you change a food into a drink item, when you set a food as non-ingestible) and customised spoilage rates are now kept between mod updates. Previously, only your configuration and Exhaustion, Hunger and Dehydration levels were kept.
  • Tweak: The "hidden" items that are used for storing names of foods and meals displayed in the Food menu are cleaned up between mod updates or uninstallation.
0.703, 10 July 2013:
  • Tweak: Any innkeeper (i.e. member of the JobInnKeeperFaction) when in an inn (i.e. in a location with the LocTypeInn Keyword) can fill your waterskin. Previously, you can only ask inn keepers from the base game.
  • Tweak: The slicing of large food items does not happen automatically. Instead, their smaller versions will show in the Food menu. Only when you select a menu item with them will their large versions be cut-up. Previously, when you acquire the a large food item, it is replaced with its smaller version - preventing the large item from getting used as ingredients for cooking.
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).
  • Bug fix: Fixes to the MCM's ping-back code. This will be the last time this bug will resurface - I hope. I found another instance when the RegisterForModEvent () for the ping-back is not registered or loses its registration in the previous version.

Encumbering loot armour and weapons
0.7, 28 July 2013:
  • Tweak: I reprogrammed how the mod queries your items. In previous versions, every time your inventory changes or when you change your equipped item, the mod would step through your inventory to calculate the penalties. This was a very slow process. In this version, your inventory is copied in hidden containers. Each container contains only items of the same class (e.g. helmets, boots, books). And when your inventory changes by acquiring or losing an item, the appropriate container is changed and processed. Basically, instead of calculating the penalties by stepping through your whole inventory, the mod now calculates it by processing only the items in the hidden containers that have changed. This is a much faster process - allowing for quicker updates of the penalties.
  • Tweak: Checking the integrity of the penalty is now only checked on new mod updates and when you go to sleep - instead of at every new game load.
  • Tweak: Recompiled with Skyrim's 1.9 patch.
  • Bug fix: The Encumbrance penalty item was disappearing when playing the brawl mini-game or when in Pelagius' quest.
  • Compatibility: Previously, when in a special form (e.g. Vampire Lord or Werewolf), the script failed. It resumed when the player reverted back.
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).
  • Tweak: The main package and the MCM can now be merged manually (with TES5Edit). Removing the reliance on GetFormFromFile () from the MCM discovery code made this possible. In this new version, SendModEvent () is used by the main package and the MCM to "ping" each other.

Fight or fly
0.704, 28 July 2013:
  • Tweak: Animals were ignoring the "userYieldBeforeDamage" option since the last couple of versions.
0.703, 10 July 2013:
  • Tweak: The giant that the Companions are attacking when you first entering Whiterun will never flee.
  • Bug fix: Previously, creatures that were not animals (e.g. Falmer, Reiklings, etc.) were getting classed as "magical creatures". In this version magical creatures are now classed with IsCommandedActor (), HasKeyword (MagicNoReanimate) or HasKeyword (NoSoulTrap).
  • Tweak: Only 5 actors at a time are added to the list (of 30) combatants - this decreases the length of time the mod is "busy" while it classifies and adds the actors into their correct aliases.
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).
  • Bug fix: Fixes to the MCM's ping-back code. This will be the last time this bug will resurface - I hope. I found another instance when the RegisterForModEvent () for the ping-back is not registered or loses its registration in the previous version.

Gold adjustment
0.7, 10 July 2013:
  • Tweak: Enabled the adjustment of potions via userNewPotionsFactor.
  • Tweak: Reprogrammed the finding of containers, coin purses and actors.
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).
  • Tweak: The main package and the MCM can now be merged manually (with TES5Edit). Removing the reliance on GetFormFromFile () from the MCM discovery code made this possible. In this new version, SendModEvent () is used by the main package and the MCM to "ping" each other.

Horse commands
0.737, 2 August 2013:
  • Tweak: The stay marker of following horses are now moved to the horse when it is teleported near your last ridden horse when you fast travel, move into new Worldspaces or move in and out of interior cells. Previously the markers were not moved with the horse causing, for example, your following horses to stay where they were while your last ridden horse has moved to the stables.
  • New feature: The horses' encumberance is now displayed in their menu. Thanks to WuphonsReach for the suggestion.
  • Returned feature: Sneak-activating a horse now presents it's menu. This was a feature that I deactivate since SKSE was released with OnCrosshairRefChange () function. Reenable it by setting "userSneakActivateEnabled" To True. Thanks to Thingamajig for the request.
0.736, 10 July 2013:
  • New feature: You can now force-teleport your horses to you. However, this is simply meant to be for emergencies and is hidden as an MCM or console feature. In the console type {setpqv kuHCbQ userForceCallFollowingHorsesNow True} without the brackets to teleport all horses that are following you to you. Type {setpqv kuHCBq userForceCallAllHorsesNow True} to teleport all your horses to you. Or simply go to the Troubleshooting section of this mod's MCM and click on the appropriate option.
  • Bug fix: Horses have started to wander off, returning to their original locations, since the last version with the changes to when you fast travel or move in/out of interior cells. I've added a new Procedure to their AI Package to counter this.
  • Bug fix: Some followers, particularly special actors like Katria that follow you in special conditions, were not being removed from the mod's list of current followers - even after they have left. But this could be the case only for these "special" followers like Katria.
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).
  • Bug fix: Fixes to the MCM's ping-back code. This will be the last time this bug will resurface - I hope. I found another instance when the RegisterForModEvent () for the ping-back is not registered or loses its registration in the previous version.

Simple multiple followers
0.708, 2 August 2013:
  • Bug fix: Re-enabled the "teleport" options in the MCM.
  • Tweak: Followers do not acquire the sandbox AI if there is an enemy within 5000 distance from the player.
0.707, 28 July 2013:
  • New feature: I described the mod a lot more than in previous versions in regards to "Normal" followers, "Special" followers, player teammate flag and CurrentFollowerFaction. Read it in the Details section.
  • New feature: userTeammatesAreFollowers (default True). When True, special followers (i.e. those that are not recruited/dismissed via DialogueFollower quest) are found when their player teammate flag is set to True. They are added to the specials list and then added to the CurrentFollowerFaction. When False, only NPCs in the CurrentFollowerFaction but not yet recognised by the mod will be considered as special followers. Note that some mods set NPCs' player teammate flag to True even if they have not been recruited. If you find that these NPCs have started to follow you, set this to False. Then dismiss them.
0.705, 10 July 2013:
  • Tweak: The "sandbox" AI only runs if the player is 2000 units distant from the follower. This should get the followers to stop their activities sooner.
  • Tweak: The sandbox AI is disabled when the player is sneaking.
  • Bug-fix: Special followers were not getting added to the "essentials" list - even if you had that user setting enabled.
  • Tweak: The "hidden" items that are used for storing names of best skills used by the "What can you do?" dialogue option are cleaned up between mod updates or uninstallation.
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).
  • Bug fix: Fixes to the MCM's ping-back code. This will be the last time this bug will resurface - I hope. I found another instance when the RegisterForModEvent () for the ping-back is not registered or loses its registration in the previous version.

Skill based damage multipliers
0.702, 10 July 2013:
  • New feature: Different multipliers for these types: creatures and NPCs, large creatures (dragons, dwarven centurions, giants and lurkers, mammmoths and were creatures), daedra, dwarven automatons and undead. By default, large creatures are set at x4. Daedra, dwarven automatons and undead creatures are set at x3. All others at x2. And the player at x2. This default setting sets large and "out-of-the-ordinary" creatures to be deadlier than normal. Change these values in the MCM or the INI file.
  • New feature: Block skill adds a bonus DamageResist. By default, this is only enabled on creatures. Enable it for NPCs and the player in the MCM or the INI file. Note, however, that NPCs and players can use shields already. And enabling this feature on them will simply give them a bonus DamageResist regardless of their use of a shield. The data in the Creation Kit suggests that the Block skill on creatures is used for their inherent toughness of hide/skin.
  • New feature: Multipliers can now scale to the user's level allowing for a less dangerous start of a new game. By default, the multipliers reach their selected values when the player is at level 10. For an experience similar to previous versions, set userLevelNeededForMaxMultiplier in the MCM or the INI file to 1.
    As a reminder, this does not directly affect the actual attack multiplier. Instead, this affects the value of your mod settings.
  • Tweak: You can now change user settings before the main quest is at stage 5 (e.g. before leaving Helgen).
  • Tweak: The main package and the MCM can now be merged manually (with TES5Edit). Removing the reliance on GetFormFromFile () from the MCM discovery code made this possible. In this new version, SendModEvent () is used by the main package and the MCM to "ping" each other.
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:00 pm

I coded it so that the sandbox AI doesn't kick-in if there's an enemy within 5000 units of distance from the player. And I re-checked the sneaking condition for it. And it works. Try the new version.

Doh! I forgot to put the sandbox AI into a configurable option. It'll be in the next release. Sorry.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:32 pm

No problem. Take your time please.

Silly question though...how is SMF working with Serana? I don't like vampires in Skyrim in general (more of a mechanics than lore thing). However, certain beautification mod bumped up my interest a bit and I did purchase Dawnguards during Steam sales... To be more specific, will Serana be included in SMF framework? If so, are you raising the priority for "DialogueFollower" quest to 60+? I recall AFT v1.6(2?) caused some incompatibility issues because of this one change.

Thanks for making great mods better.

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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:16 pm

Hey PetPet, my mod doesn't actually change any of the default scripts or Quest properties - hence the "Simple" tag :wink:.

It simply monitors DialogueFollower quest and moves any followers from it into my mod's own Aliases. These aliases mimic the aliases in DialogueFollower in regards to AI Package, Faction, etc. So these "normal" followers should act as per the unmodded game.

Then the recruiting variables are set to 0 - allowing the player to recruit more followers.

Followers like Serana, Cicero and any others that are recruited outside the DialogueFollower framework are found by my mod if their player teammate flag is set to 1. They are then added to aliases in my mod and added to the CurrentFollower faction (if you have the "teammates are followers" option set). These "special" followers have no AI Packages, Factions (unless you have the "teammates are followers" option set) and Scripts. So they should act as per their own "special recruiting" scripts and behaviours.

The only concession to this is the sandbox AI that I've added. Currently, the sandbox AI is always active on normal followers. (I'll add a toggle for this as you requested in the next update) The sandbox AI can be toggled on or off for special followers.

I hope that answers your question, PetPet.

I've not looked in on discussions on other mods, so please let me know of any potential problems my implementation may cause.
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