half customers will be of <18 age group, don't hope . Intrigue , espionage , political struggle , racism , sixism , social interaction etc need good writers ....
And how do you know how old the age of half the potential market is? Have you done a survey? Or did you just pull those numbers out of the void?
And age really doesn't have much to do with the actual feel of the story. I've seen stories aimed at children that feel darker than many M rated games, not that "darker" always means "more mature", just look at '90s comics to see why it doesn't. Really, all that the age rating actually depends on is how much blood, gore, swearing, six, drugs and alchohol the game has, if you can cut people's heads off and see a fountain of blood spray out, it's going to be rated M, even if the whole thing feels like a cartoon.
At this point, though, it's hard to say if the game will have a more "advlt" feel than past Elder Scrolls games, though, but I hope that Bethesda doesn't worry about the age rating and just does whatever they think will make it the best game it can be. Though from what we've seen so far, I might get the impression that Skyrim will at least be a more brutal game, but that could be deceptive, we'll see.
You know, I kind of agree with that. Morrowind did have more complex politics than Oblivion, certainly, and more focus on racism and tensions between people of different cultures and such, but "dark" is not the first word I'd use to describe it.