Skyrim is definitely a love it or a hate it kind of game. The main storyline was OK, I mean the weren't any amazing sub plots or loop holes, it was just satisfactory IMHO, does what is says on the box - kill dragons.
At times the game felt a bit vast. when I first got out of Helgen I had to ask my self what I actually wanted to do to begin with. Explore, quests, level up, make armour and weapons, do sub quests or make money? and I just kind of wasted time thinking what to do. In previous games I'd do a bit of combat a bit of exploring make a bit of money, and everyone's happy...but for some reason, I didn't feel Skyrim had that balance to it.
But by Akatosh is this game addictive!! In many ways, working out what you were going to do is half the enjoyment of the game. When you decide on what to do in-game you'll get completely enthralled and captivated by whatever you're doing that you just get hooked on it and you cant stop. For example I worked in the Riverwood lumber mill cutting logs...for a few hours...eeesh! 
Biggest thing that let the game down were the glitches. I'm not going to go into detail about all the individual glitches because the were too many. I feel Bethesda could have saved themselves a lot of hassle by just doing the job properly the first time around. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's true. The game played horribly on release day. I certainly wouldn't have minded them release it a few months later then they did, just to iron out some of the most major game breaking ones.
I kind of felt the landscape was a bit of a let down, we've seen it all before, it looks identical to Earth. I could walk down the road right now and see the same trees and grass and flowers, perhaps not snow because it's summer but you get my point. 
Wouldn't it have been fantastic if they created this cold, arctic environment that was entirely new? but they went with the same old landscape that you could see here on earth if you wanted to.
Jeremy Soule did it again, created a masterpiece. Yes, the music in this game is glorious, they really are beautiful pieces of music. Jeremy's music makes the exploration that much better. I mean just it's so soothing and calming. Love it. 
I think removing the class system was a big mistake, I don't know about anyone else, but for me it didn't feel like an RPG game. throughout the game I was just putting perks into a perk tree because...that's what you do. Instead of making my strength better so i could hit higher, or endurance so i could take more damage, or even personality so i could chat up those lovely nord women
, I was aimlessly placing perks in the relevant trees for my class...not that my class existed, that's all in your head.
I really like the combat, its unique, I don't know why you would be playing this game if you didn't like the combat tbh, but still. Morrowinds combat was horrific even for when it came out.
To round this up then. I think Skyrim is very addictive, I'll play it for weeks on end and get svcked into the whole universe...but then I'll give it a break for a few months, then come back to it, and have another addictive little adventure with it. When i play skyrim for short periods of time, and hour two hours maybe, i will get engrossed with the game and it's a really good feeling. It's when i play it for looooong periods of time that i feel a bit 'meh' with it.
I think i love skyrim but at the same time I think I hate it...