Skyrim vs. Morrowind, have any thoughts?

Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:29 pm

Haha. Yeah, a little smirk and nod came to me the more I read through the readme. It's a great mod, one that I find an absolute must for me each time I decide to create a new character. It has that Gothic/Risen feel to it, which is exactly what the mod authors was aiming for.

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Becky Cox
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:17 pm

I have a feeling that if you love MW but hate OB then you will probably not like Skyrim. Personally I love both Skyrim and OB but can't get into MW at all, mainly the mechanics and diceroll combat ruined it for me and now it's too outdated overall for my tastes...this coming from someone who can still play NES games
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:02 pm

Might as well add "casualized" on that list as well. In Beth forums terms it's practically synonymous.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:03 am

It amuses me how may folks get their knickers tied in knots over the words "dumbed down" and "casual". It's all relevant to the people posting those phrases. Both games have a lot to offer and can stand on their own merits. Both games have flaws. Depending on what flaws a player can live with determines their out look on it. Dumbed down and casual may be exactly how they feel about it and it doesn't mean they are wrong. Nor does it mean they are right. It is an opinion which they are allowed to freely state and others are free to agree or disagree.

My take on it? I prefer Morrowind. If you play on PC you can get some nice updated graphics for it that can make it a lot better in that area. I prefer Morrowind because I personally liked the story line much better. I also liked a lot of the game mechanics better. I liked not being able to be in every guild and succeed at everything with just one character. That is just me and my opinion.

Skyrim is a game that I play in small doses when the computer is not available to me to play something else. This does not mean it's a bad game, it just for me means, I prefer others. It's a decent enough game that for 40 bucks, it's probably worth it. I don't have the DLC's so I can't comment on those.

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Stacey Mason
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:14 pm

I hate those terms because they are insulting and condescending. Those phrases imply that I am "dumb" because I prefer Skyrim's system over Morrowind's system. I am not "dumb". I am in no way "casual". I don't need things made easier for me. I don't appreciate being called "dumb" by snobby elitists who think that having a bunch of numbers and no quest markers makes them feel "smarter".

There's a difference between having a preference of one design over another, and being snobby and arrogant about it, and insulting those who like things a different way.

The way you stated your opinion comparing Morrowind and Skyrim is a valid opinion. I disagree with it, but you did so without being insulting or condescending about it. That I have no problem with.

But calling it "dumb" is insulting to those who do like it.

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rebecca moody
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:46 am

And saying folks who prefer the other games are wearing "nostalgia glasses" isn't doing the exact same thing? That isn't insulting?

I mean to be honest, I can use those terms myself and not ever once mean the player is dumb. But I suppose I traveled off topic with this comment and will leave it at that.

Back on topic! Errrrrrr I can't think of any more comparisons right now. Probably because my lasagne is burning!!

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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:15 pm

Well, when a lot of the claims about Morrowind are exaggerations that aren't true to what the game actually is, and can be shown factually, one has to wonder where people are getting those ideas from.

Maybe if people don't want to be accused of viewing the game through nostalgia, they shouldn't insult everyone who does like the new design with sweeping generalities.

And the whole "I say dumbing down but I don't mean the player is dumb" is ridiculous - if you weren't trying to say something or someone was dumb, you would use a different phrasing other than calling it / them dumb.

And calling players "dumb" is exactly what the whole "casuals" / "casualization" thing is - saying that a group of players is incapable of comprehending certain things that the rest of us "mature" gamers are able to with our advanced faculties.

It's ridiculous. Don't like something? Say so. But don't insult everyone else in the process.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:09 pm

I do not intend for it to be condescending in any fashion. I am using as an expression to illustrate how the core game has been changed to make it easier for newcomers to the series to get into the game.

I apologize for any insult, I was not implying that you were "dumb." And anyway I'm glad more people have been introduced to TES through Skyrim as it can only mean a stronger community. :smile:

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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:20 am

No Skyrim is not dumbed down, not at all. OP is looking for storyline, Skyrim has good story/quest lines, but Morrowind was noted for it's great depth and story line, but other aspects of Morrowind are firmly trounced by Skyrim. Other aspects of game-play, apart of story-line, you say that you are not interested in..... so you should be very happy with Morrowind.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:54 pm

Idem dito

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:51 pm

Skyrim, the best graphics of all the elder scroll games.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:14 pm

Our choice of words reveals much about the way we think. People who think for themselves tend to express themselves in their own words. People who do not think for themselves much tend to express themselves in second-hand language, in buzzwords and other forms of cliché.

I also skip over any post that begins with the word 'Dude' as well as any post that is full of numbers and letters instead of words. I have found over the years that these types of posts can safely be ignored.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:41 pm

Oh great. Another thread of people getting unreasonably hostile over opinion.

No it isn't, Eddie Murphy's movies in the 90's are some of the dumbest things I have ever seen, is saying that also saying that people who like them are dumb? No. A product and someone who likes it are... two different things, and I really don't se how you can equate criticising a product with personally insulting someone.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:17 pm

Morrowind is tops, definitely. Skyrim is cinematic and impressive, but Morrowind is a work of art; it's so intricate and detailed, the story very original, the characters conflicted, the setting itself is alien and weird and overwhelming.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:24 pm

That'd mean that a lot of the things that were said about Morrowind really weren't true.

See, I watched my girlfriend play through Morrowind for the past few months. Prior to that I have played Skyrim. And prior to THAT I have played Morrowind myself.

Now, with my most recent memories being from Morrowind, how can I be biased by Nostalgia? I clearly wasn't bored by watching someone play through Morrowind even after having played through it twice before (incl expansions).

At the same time, I can't get myself to continue playing Skyrim.

If you want to claim that my nostalgia is so strong that it affects my actions in such a manner that it trumps even recent experiences, makes me watch someone play Morrowind again, makes me not want to continue Skyrim although I technically should like it better - then you need to claim that I'm stupid. I'm insulted by the nostalgia argument just as much as you are by "dumbed down". Either we both are allowed to use our respective terms, or we both stop, either way's fine with me.

As for the OP:

If you don't care for the better melee combat, better visuals, better physics, better AI behaviour (although not as good as Oblivion, for the most part), and do not prefer a low-fantasy approach without Daedra and with very little magic, and if you prefer a lot of reading, exploration, metaphysical themes and lengthy questlines, save your money and stick with another playthrough Morrowind.

If you don't mind being treated as a hero for everything you do, if you don't mind a very linear quest design based mainly on story twists and scripted sequences, if you don't mind limited freedom with essential NPCs and if you do look forward to simpler skill systems, more focus on skill perks and special abilities, and action-oriented scripted gameplay elements, go for Skyrim.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:19 pm

All of that can be applied to Skyrim, it's anything but generic fantasy. The Characters being conflicted, I would argue, is much more present in Skyrim then Morrowind.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:00 am

Skyrim isn't generic, no, but it does borrow heavily. Morrowind is just... unique. The greatest difference, though, is that Morrowind is genuinely free and open-ended. Skyrim, in all its brilliance, looks linear by comparison - surely this at least can not be argued over!

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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:48 pm

Why do you like morrowind instead of skyrim? Skyrim has outstanding graphics, and morrowind.............isnt even close to good graphics.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:51 pm

Skyrim is definitely a love it or a hate it kind of game. The main storyline was OK, I mean the weren't any amazing sub plots or loop holes, it was just satisfactory IMHO, does what is says on the box - kill dragons.

At times the game felt a bit vast. when I first got out of Helgen I had to ask my self what I actually wanted to do to begin with. Explore, quests, level up, make armour and weapons, do sub quests or make money? and I just kind of wasted time thinking what to do. In previous games I'd do a bit of combat a bit of exploring make a bit of money, and everyone's happy...but for some reason, I didn't feel Skyrim had that balance to it.

But by Akatosh is this game addictive!! In many ways, working out what you were going to do is half the enjoyment of the game. When you decide on what to do in-game you'll get completely enthralled and captivated by whatever you're doing that you just get hooked on it and you cant stop. For example I worked in the Riverwood lumber mill cutting logs...for a few hours...eeesh! :whistling:

Biggest thing that let the game down were the glitches. I'm not going to go into detail about all the individual glitches because the were too many. I feel Bethesda could have saved themselves a lot of hassle by just doing the job properly the first time around. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's true. The game played horribly on release day. I certainly wouldn't have minded them release it a few months later then they did, just to iron out some of the most major game breaking ones.

I kind of felt the landscape was a bit of a let down, we've seen it all before, it looks identical to Earth. I could walk down the road right now and see the same trees and grass and flowers, perhaps not snow because it's summer but you get my point. :tongue:

Wouldn't it have been fantastic if they created this cold, arctic environment that was entirely new? but they went with the same old landscape that you could see here on earth if you wanted to.

Jeremy Soule did it again, created a masterpiece. Yes, the music in this game is glorious, they really are beautiful pieces of music. Jeremy's music makes the exploration that much better. I mean just it's so soothing and calming. Love it. :)

I think removing the class system was a big mistake, I don't know about anyone else, but for me it didn't feel like an RPG game. throughout the game I was just putting perks into a perk tree because...that's what you do. Instead of making my strength better so i could hit higher, or endurance so i could take more damage, or even personality so i could chat up those lovely nord women :hubbahubba: , I was aimlessly placing perks in the relevant trees for my class...not that my class existed, that's all in your head.

I really like the combat, its unique, I don't know why you would be playing this game if you didn't like the combat tbh, but still. Morrowinds combat was horrific even for when it came out.

To round this up then. I think Skyrim is very addictive, I'll play it for weeks on end and get svcked into the whole universe...but then I'll give it a break for a few months, then come back to it, and have another addictive little adventure with it. When i play skyrim for short periods of time, and hour two hours maybe, i will get engrossed with the game and it's a really good feeling. It's when i play it for looooong periods of time that i feel a bit 'meh' with it.

I think i love skyrim but at the same time I think I hate it...

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:45 am

Because determining whether a game is good by its graphics is like determining whether a book is good by its cover or if a car is good by its colour.

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Kerri Lee
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:33 am

I felt skyrim would have been better with better voice acting or more voice acting; not using the same actors for like billions of characters.

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Marquis T
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:48 pm

If Graphics, "current games" heavy action and shallow faux choices are what interest you, and you cannot by any means appreciate a game with exceptionally subpar combat but excellent story, decent choices and many more guilds to join than the last two games released. then Skyrim is the game for you.

like a poster said before, Skyrim isn't necessarily generic because it does possess the TES motif BUT GODS BE DEAD does it borrow heavily....from underworld "Vampire lords" and Lotr Fellbeast Serpent Dragons in the DLC to the near splitting image of Edoras that is Whiterun Gawds does it writhe my jimmies.

as my Sig states from over a Year ago after many months of play, a Mile wide, a Foot deep. you'll find many things you can do or wish you can do only to be disappointed at how little you can do with them.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:16 pm

YIPES look at all this ruckus. It's what I get for burning my lasgne.

Pseron - while I might agree with you on this. I have to stop and think that this is the internet and to be quite frank, I don't understand a LOT of what people say on the internet. Cliche words and other phrases are a dime a dozen. That doesn't mean a person doesn't have something worthwhile to say who uses those. At least that's my take on it.

Nell - If I wanted to call someone dumb, I'd call them that and be done with it. There's no need to hide behind a phrase or implication referencing a game.

Anyways I did think of another comparison. Alchemy! OP if you like Alchemy, Skyrim's alchemy is really well done in my opinion. I have a really good time in that area of game play.

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le GraiN
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:14 pm

I thought we weren't allowed to have these kinds of topics..

Anyway, Skyrim is just a game to me. A game that I play off and on, with lot of things to kill. There's been engaging quests, and always a reason to keep going back to it. I was exactly like that with Oblivion. I can't say I would be for Morrowind other than liking the whole static level-based mobs, and different type of dungeon atmosphere. All in all, Skyrim just simply isn't as bad to me as people over-exaggeratingly make it out to be.

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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:32 am

I don't like to compare things between these awesome games. Some things have been improved and some things aren't as deep as they used to be. Anyway Skyrim is great game and worth for playing. And every fan of Morrowind should play Dragonborn DLC. For me it brought lots of nostalgia and I felt like Skyrim and Morrowind met at there.

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