Skyrim vs. Morrowind, have any thoughts?

Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:36 am

I see that Steam has Skyrim on sale. 40 bucks, for base game and all of the expansions sounds interesting.

I really like Morrowind, and I usually play it through every now and again, but I dislike Oblivion quite a bit.

I would like to get some comparison from you guys, could you compare Skyrim with Morrowind for me?

I really don't care about graphics, or levelling, or combat, or other mechanics. But I care a great deal about quests and storyline.

I've felt that Oblivion is from a graphics standpoint much much better than Morrowind, and even some of the game mechanics were better, but still, the dialogue, the quests and the overall story made no sense at all for me. I've finished the game once (actually I've finished all quests and several mods except the main story line, since that made no sense whatsoever), I've bought the game for 10 bucks, so it was worth it, but if Skyrim has the same "bad" story as Oblivion I am going to wait till it drops to 10 bucks on a dvd (I prefer a physical copy over steam).

And could you write a few words about the DLCs, do you need to have a high lvl character to be able to play them?

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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:42 pm

Many folks here say Skyrim has been dumbed down a bit from Morrowind. In cases I can see why.

As far as DLC is concerned, I find that being a higher level only adds to the experience. It makes it much more fun IMO.
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:11 am

There is no comparison really IMO. Ive tried and tried to get into Morrowind, but just couldnt. Skyrim has just so captured my imagination and interest that it makes Morrowind absolutely unplayable. Skyrim is THAT much better than Morrowind.

Its tough to divorce gameplay or story from graphics because they, just like ingredients in a pie, all go together to make the final product what it is.

Morrowind - blech.

Obliviion - blech. I had the same problem here. Just couldnt get into it.

Skyrim - GREAT.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:44 pm

That's what for most would settle the game in Morrowind's favor (and part of me thinks you set the question to achieve that). Morrowind had, in my opinion, tiring and bad gameplay but it had solid writing and interesting quests. Graphics aren't really important to me in any game, though obviously the better the better.

I do no think Morrowind is the BEST GAME EVER as most seem to here, though. I wouldn't say it's overrated since it definitely was gaming elite in its day but in 2013 I don't see myself picking it in favor of other similar titles, though I do play it from time to time. it's a good game and all but nothing like a Deus Ex or Red Alert 2 of the RPG genre.

Skyrim is majorly hampered by its endless cuts in gameplay complexity, half-assed nature in quests and writing and being vastly overhyped before release which then led to many disappointments. It is a very beautiful game though and the gmeplay is by far the most enjoyable in TES so far. And enjoyable gameplay is something where even Morrowind can't pull the "but that was so long ago" excuse as it can with graphics (which obviously in that case is 100% understandable).

I personally rate both Morrowind and Skyrim at 8/10, though for entirely different reasons.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:36 am

Most of the game mechanics and graphical problems can be solved in TES games, I used to mod for Morrowind and I had a few tweaks for Oblivion too. I know that game balance, mechanics, etc. I can change myself easily or there is a mod for it already.

One more question (and I would still love to read some comments on the first two).

Anyone knows this mod?

If this mod delivers all the promises I am looking for I think I might give Skyrim a go.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:22 pm

Skyrim doesn't have much more of a impressive story either, if not underwhelming and disappointing IMO. Then again, I can't say I found the main questline in any TES to be its strong point. Some quest and questlines are okay or just plain awful. I find the Companions to be the worst guild and questline in all of TES.

As for the DLC, I find both Dawnguard and Dragonborn to be very good. Dawnguard being more plot focused, and Dragonborn being more about exploration, both however add plenty of content and new locations to see.

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Dawn Porter
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:36 pm

Skyrim has definitely been dumbed down, comparing it with Morrowind. My first TES game was Morrowind and I honestly think that it was one of the best games ever made. And I can understand the people who say that they couldn't get into Morrowind because once you've played Skyrim it's hard to go back, mainly because of the graphics than anything else.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:24 pm

What do you want to know?

How it manages to make perks more relevant over the skill of the player? How it completely overhauls unique weapons giving them a unique feel? How it adds hand-placed loot and high-leveled non-respawing creatures in dungeons? How merchants will rip you the hell off if you don't have the necessary perks invested in Speech? (tied to my first question)

There's plenty the mod changes. I'd give the ReadMe a quick glance, if you haven't already. :tongue:

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:58 pm

Skyrim hasn't been "dumbed down", and I really can't stand that phrase. It's both inaccurate, and insulting, and doesn't take a truly objective look at the differences between the games. It just sees that things are different, and it doesn't do well with change. The "dumbed down" argument typically comes from the "nostalgia goggles" way of looking at Morrowind. For virtually everything that was removed, there was something added that improved upon it.

As far as the comparison goes - you asked for story and quests and stuff, and honestly, like any Elder Scrolls game, the storyline isn't the strong point. Morrowind might be mildly better, but it really isn't by much, if at all.

Quests range from exciting and really fun, to boring an uninteresting, just like pretty much any RPG.

There's definitely some things Morrowind does better. If you like guilds, you'll probably enjoy the Morrowind guilds better.

I feel that the DLC are some of the best DLC I've played in Elder Scrolls. Albeit I to this day have never played Shivering Isles, but I was a fan of Dawnguard, and I'm currently playing through Dragonborn and I am enjoying that as well. Dragonborn is going to hit your Morrowind nostalgia in the face. It brings back many different things from Morrowind - many armor types make a return (along with a lot of new armors), Raven Rock is run by House Redoran and has a Redoran flavor to it, many items make a return like Sunjamma and Matze and Flin, music is taken directly from Morrowind, and there are many easter eggs and nods to Morrowind, including a return of Tarhiel.

Dawnguard has a really nice vampire hunters storyline (or vampires, if you choose to go that way), adds in a Vampire Lord form with perks, and from my understanding adds in many new spells and spell effects, although mainly for Necromancer style characters, as they are usually summons and such.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:56 pm

Oh boy here we go.

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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:36 am



Skyrim is one huge meh.

It has it's pros, but simply way too many cons.

Still, with all pros and cons of both Morrowind and Skyrim you need to understand one thing; lot of people don't necessarily favor Morrowind over Skyrim because it is a better game, but because it was the right path.

Arena was just a wild experiment and beginning of everything.

Daggerfall is the game where Bethesda figured out what they want the game to be about.

With Morrowind, Bethesda practically defined what TES is.

Oblivion and Skyrim are there just to make money.

Instead of moving forward, TES strayed off the road, stopped being art and turned into business.

The series got dumbed down in every possible way - gameplay, world and story.

I really hope that TES VI will be Bethesda's Dark Souls 2, but I doubt that they have the balls for that.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:20 am

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:45 pm

The nostalgia goggles are strong with this one.

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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:14 pm

Skyrim has been 'dumbed down' because it became a mainstream game and there were a lot of new players to the series. Also get Shivering Isles it is the best DLC ever made.

Skyrim is a mile wide, but a foot deep. :yes:

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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:01 pm

"Mainstream" =/= "dumbed down"

P.S.: Morrowind was "mainstream"

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:32 pm

Casualized dumbed downed 11/11/11!

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:23 pm

I stop reading any post the instant I see the phrase "dumbed down."

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:37 am

You got me there. I've only read the description, but not the readme. :facepalm:

Now I did, and this mod fixes all of the little things I usually fix for myself with dozens of little mods. So I really have no more excuses to try out Skyrim. I've heard a lot of good about it. :happy:

I honestly think that there is a "market" for ("old school") 90's style RPG players who like to experiment, reload, and get their butt-handed to them from games in exchange for some really good quality storyline.

IMHO some recent FPSs have much better story then many of the old and/or recent rpgs. If I have to choose between Doom 3 vs. Oblivion, or Bioshock vs. Dragon Age, or Amnesia (the dark descent) vs. Neverwinter Nights I feel the shooters have a much better and more interesting stories then the RPGs do.

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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:08 pm

In that case, might I suggest Witcher 2? It has much more to offer in terms of story and dialogue. Also, don't bother with the physical copy for Skyrim - you still have to go through Steam.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:45 pm

If you care about storyline, Morrowind is a must.

I don't think there is any TES with such a huge amount of lore, of background info on culture and religion.

The books found in Oblivion and Skyrim are mostly Morrowind books, it just had that much compared to what came later.

Morrowind for instance contains the secret of what happened to the Dwemer, and it really is a secret. There are clues leading you to the right conclusion all over the game and even though there is a right conclusion, it is never explicitly stated.

The Sermons of Vivec hold enough metaphysics, information on the basic principles TES operates under, history, you name it to have kept the lore community busy with it to this day.

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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:00 am

There's alot of metaphysical stuff behind Skyrim if you dig deep enough. But Skyrim's real strength is in the DLCs. Dawnguard and Dragonborn are some of the best DLCs I've played by far.

Though, many around here are going to tell you Morrowind because that was their first game and they still have a hefty bit of nostalgia.

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Melly Angelic
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:54 pm

Both games have their merits but Morrowind is the clear winner for me. I'd say go for both if you have the money. Morrowind shouldn't cost a lot these days.

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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:29 pm


That aside, buy Skyrim if you like Morrowind.

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D LOpez
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:04 pm

I like Skyrim and Morrowind equally. However I still don't know if Skyrim will age as well as Morrowind has.

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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:23 am


Anybody who has to lower themselves to using the term doesn't have anything to say with any credibility as far as I'm concerned.

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