The game normally goes gold about 3 weeks before it ships. I don't think it will go gold until mid October, meaning it will be more like 3 months before going gold.
I still say the game will be delayed, or it should be delayed. When you set a hard date 11 months out, like Bethesda did, than you are just asking for problems. Things will get rushed and bugs will be left in the game.
You see that was my worry.
Is it just me or do bugs in games seem to be more common now. One example was Fable, the game was mediocre at best and about half way through the (short) game, the supposed talkative butler decided to blank me, he was a rude devil, only shouting at me during the game with taunts. Then he blocked me from my sanctuary all together, refusing to let me level up, change clothes and use the world map. Also once I got into the Sanctuary (through crafty backhanded means) he wouldn't let me leave.
My point is, I hope they have no GROUND breaking bugs e.g. I wont have to make a character from scratch again and/or loose all my goodies/ progression.
Did Oblivion have any major doodies?