Skyrim needs better Redguards!

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:19 am

redguards are fine as is
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:52 pm

Actually I already saw a Redguard in Skyrim. In the trailer the scene were 2 guys were fighting, the guy duel weilding the sword and the dagger was a Redguard just wanted to clear that up for you guys. And yeah I think that Redguards should defintely be better than the ones in Oblivion.
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sarah taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:31 pm

Actually I already saw a Redguard in Skyrim. In the trailer the scene were 2 guys were fighting, the guy duel weilding the sword and the dagger was a Redguard just wanted to clear that up for you guys.

Well he looks rather Italian/Spanish instead to me... I bet my septims on him being an Imperial.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:26 pm

that redguard bartender doesnt have mutton chops :/
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:23 pm

Well he looks rather Italian/Spanish instead to me... I bet my septims on him being an Imperial.

Go on youtube and watch igns rewind stop the fight at 7:56 and you will see.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:41 am

If you go find the in-game picture of the bar with the blonde woman in it you can see a redguard in the background and he actually looks like a black man!

Don't worry I found it for you.

Didn't a Dev (I believe Pete or somebody) say that that was a Redguard but then went back and said it wasn't. I'll try to find it.
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:57 am

I dunno about you guys, but that guy looks like The Highlander during medieval Scotland. Plus, his hands look pretty white, and being in a dark part of the room makes him look darker. I pegged him to be a nord :shrug:
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Maria Leon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:16 pm

If you go find the in-game picture of the bar with the blonde woman in it you can see a redguard in the background and he actually looks like a black man!

Don't worry I found it for you.

That guy may have darkish skin, but look at his facial features! That is no Redguard! :thumbsdown:

Looks just like a Nord to me, granted a Nord with a very dark complexion, but a Nord nonetheless.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:54 pm

Go on youtube and watch igns rewind stop the fight at 7:56 and you will see.

Well, you can see it more clearly here instead:

edit: also to whoever it was who wished to have the voice actor for Redguards in MW and OB to return in Skyrim, I must say that you just speak my mind. Agree agree agreeeee.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:46 pm

Go on youtube and watch igns rewind stop the fight at 7:56 and you will see.

You must be joking. That's the whitest guy ever.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:46 pm

Didn't that guy have mutton chops? Can't be a Redguard with mutton chops. No sir, no how.

^Lol! I had to laugh off this one. If you want to see a Redguard in mutton chops, then take a look

Seriously though, I only play Redguards in TES games, so I hope that they have a good variety and are well-rounded as a race. I hope that all of the races are well done.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:49 pm

You want them to be skinny?
The best warriors of Tamriel?
I really don't know what is actually the problem with them or any other race in them matter.
I mean, they have flaws and there is always a place for improvement, but your one simply won't do in my opinion.
Also, their personal stuff and conflicts should be highlighted in sequel witch contains Hammerfell as part of playable world and oh wait...
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:40 pm

You want them to be skinny?
The best warriors of Tamriel?

I think he was actually meant lithe and athletically built. Not the beefy 'n' stocky types a la the Nords and the Orcs.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:19 am

This is because of extensive racial mixing.

Not quite, that's part of it. At one point in time "humans" all had darker skin, the same level of melanin (pigment), but as people started migrating northward they were exposed to lesser levels of vitamin D produced by sunlight, the people with the darkest skin couldn't absorb any vitamin D, and over a very long period of time, that level of melanin, which is genetic, dropped. There is a very large range of melanin levels in Africa, because we spent most of our earlier time migrating up and down that continent. Now, sixual selection, has some influence because a child gets half of their red and black pigmentation from each parent. I would also not use the term racial, because there biologically speaking, exists one race, the human race, all of the other races of Homo Sapiens, such as the neanderthal, died out thousands of years ago, skin tone is just one of the most varied feature in our race, and it's become the prime way for people classify and segregate. Race is purely a political/social term which has no basis in reality, but of course it depends on how you choose to define the term.

Sorry for that, but to get on topic, I like the Red-gaurds, and their historical background. They're technically not part of the human blood man, maybe from a very long time ago, but they make great warriors. I often times don't choose them, because I connect more with the Dunmer and Nordic race. I think the race that I have never played are the Altmer.

I think he was actually meant lithe and athletically built. Not the beefy 'n' stocky types a la the Nords and the Orcs.

Yes, the Red-Guards are supposed to be very fast, and it would make sense for them to be less stocky. Much like they were in Oblivion, of course everyone had the same body type in Oblivion...
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:15 am

My take on why the Redguards seemless popular is that there is, generally, a lack of leading black characters in other fantasy media. When I played oblivion my characters tended towards white men (race wise, not sixually) or wood elves because I'd try to play as, say, an Aragorn ranger style character or a Garett style thief or any number of strong female mage/witches. I had no such problem in Fallout3, where I could pretend to be Will Smith from I am legend or later on that dude from Book of Eli. Black people tend to be seriously underrepreesented in the broader fantasy scene, which is something that gamesas have no control over.
That said, 'm in favour of making all races better and more unique. Perhaps they could try to make Redguards more specific TES like Khajit and argonians, with a whole different culture and way of living (which wasnt really capitalised on in oblivion), rather than sticking them in the generic fantasy group. Everyone knows how wood elves and nords work. things like the blackwood company and the argonian community around the swamp in one of the cities was what made the races special.

Also, I dont think we have seen any Redguards yet. The guy in the trailer is pretty definatley not and the guyu in the bar screen shot just lookslikes hes in the shadow.

Ps. op, please chane thecolour of your text. It hurts.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:29 pm

Also, I dont think we have seen any Redguards yet. The guy in the trailer is pretty definatley not and the guyu in the bar screen shot just looks likes hes in the shadow.

Ps. op, please chane thecolour of your text. It hurts.

Yeah, the bar-man is hard to tell for sure. I agree though, it depends on media exposure in terms of aesthetics. People come up with different ideas of what they're character will look like based on what they've seen before with characters of similar fantasy. Most people are going to start off with the Nordic race, because it fits the story and setting so well.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:27 pm

I think in skyrim every race needs to be more unique, thus creating more interest in actually trying other races. In OB, I was never really tempted to change race except for aesthetic appearance because the racial traits seemingly changed nothing.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:11 am

Redguards should be fast but not skinny

I never liked the whole slider thing when making Characters, I would much rather have a color pallete where if we want our Redguard to look more Native American rather than a Black dude you should be able too and Vice Versa, I dont want to have to make my character look like dark red ash to have a similar skin tone as me
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:00 pm

:rolleyes: Do you really want to get into this?

My cousin has reddish skin, like me, and copper hair (blondish brown). We are not in any way part white. You know how I know this? Because we are Africans.

I suppose I could give a long winded explanation as to why what you said is not necessarily the case, but I hope this example suffices.
Sorry if the truth bothers you. I can't help history.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:56 pm

Redguards should be fast but not skinny

I never liked the whole slider thing when making Characters, I would much rather have a color pallete where if we want our Redguard to look more Native American rather than a Black dude you should be able too and Vice Versa, I dont want to have to make my character look like dark red ash to have a similar skin tone as me

I second this, but only if I can call my Redguard Chief Runs with Khajits!
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:40 pm

Dont use unbolded red text. I have good eyes and I still had to highlight it to read it.

I think Skyrims going to be more focused on the Nord race.

Edit: Well you changed that by the time Id responded, but I think you overdid it just a tad.

I agree. Don't use red bolded text. I had to highlight it too and I have 25/20 vision.
On topic, Redguards don't fit in with Skyrim in my opinion.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:53 am

Sorry if the truth bothers you. I can't help history.

See... its comments like that that irritate. Please... refute my evidence and enlighten me as to the truth about my own "race." Because you know.... I've never looked in to it. Tell me; what do all Africans look like, because you seem to know much more than I.

And please offer your objection to the post above that was in disagreement with your opinion as well. You seem to know what you're talking about, so do it.

The whole point of my post was to offer an example that not all Africans have very dark skin. And like I said, it is not due to recent "race mixing" (even if it were, that all of a sudden does not negate the fact that those people are Africans. If that is what you are suggesting, then you will be hard pressed to find an African in the Americas that you could truly call black. Are Germans not white if they have Mongolian blood in them? Are you no longer considered white if you have a distant African slave relative?). Ive been there. I know. The term "redbone" was used by African slaves when they came in contact with Africans who had a lighter or "redder" complexion than they did. It is suggested that many of these people who had lighter complexions were of igbo (ebo or ibo will also suffice) heritage. The igbo have always been known for their varying skin complexions which can easily explain my cousins almost orange hair. Do you see how igbo could be intertwined with red to create the new term "redbone" to describe them? So when people say Redguards are not based off Africans, but rather Native Americans, because they have a reddish tint it kinda makes me wonder. Its like they are purposely ignoring the "wiry hair" hair described in the lore, the Afrrican American voice actors, and the general "athletic prowess," just to distance the Redgaurds from African peoples. And I wonder why.

So in essence, you are reading far too deeply into stereotype. Not all Native Americans look like Not all Africans look like

And in the lore it is clear that Redguards are modeled after black Africans. The reason I say this is beacuse they are said to have "wiry" hair. The only people on Earth who share this trait are black Africans, their descendants who may be of mixed heritage due to African diaspora and some people from the islands out East. Face it - Redguards are just as black African as Nords are white European.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:18 pm

Redguards were, are, and always will be my favorite.

But I hope ALL races are better this time around.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:51 pm

Lore-wise, though, they are. Thus their name, Redguard and not Blackguard. :tongue:

And I'm yellow.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:06 pm

So when people say Redguards are not based off Africans, but rather Native Americans, because they have a reddish tint it kinda makes me wonder. Its like they are purposely ignoring the "wiry hair" hair described in the lore, the Afrrican American voice actors, and the general "athletic prowess," just to distance the Redgaurds from African peoples. And I wonder why.

In case you didn't know, American Indians have extremely wiry hair, it's just straighter than that of Africans. Yeah, you're right about the black voice actors. Are you saying American Indians don't have athletic prowess? American Indians were much larger (muscular and build) than most (if not all) Europeans an were very athletic. In fact, I remember reading about a tribe in Chihuahua, Mexico or somewhere near that region that actually chased deer down and beat them to death. I don't know about you, but I've never heard of Africans chasing down a similar animal and beating it to death.
And in case some of you didn't catch on, my post commenting on their names being Redguard and not Blackguard, it was meant to be taken light-heartedly and not seriously. :wink:
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