In case you didn't know, American Indians have extremely wiry hair, it's just straighter than that of Africans. Yeah, you're right about the black voice actors. Are you saying American Indians don't have athletic prowess? American Indians were much larger (muscular and build) than most (if not all) Europeans an were very athletic. In fact, I remember reading about a tribe in Chihuahua, Mexico or somewhere near that region that actually chased deer down and beat them to death. I don't know about you, but I've never heard of Africans chasing down a similar animal and beating it to death.
And in case some of you didn't catch on, my post commenting on their names being Redguard and not Blackguard, it was meant to be taken light-heartedly and not seriously.
And in case some of you didn't catch on, my post commenting on their names being Redguard and not Blackguard, it was meant to be taken light-heartedly and not seriously.

I'm not saying anything about Native Americans. I think they are a very proud and loving people and its unfortunate what happened to them. But with that said the evidence shows that Redgaurds are not modeled off them. I know many African Americans have native ancestors. I also know that Europeans favored West African slaves because of their hardiness. They were more resistant to disease carried by Europeans, which can further illustrate my point if you notice the 75% resistance to disease that Redguards carry.
As for your point about chasing deer... what are you talking about? You dont think African people have ever hunted before? Do you know what "wiry" hair even looks like? Please, link me to a photo of a Native American with wiry hair and I will take back my point. I will completely disregard the "quickness" of foot mentioned in the lore because I fear that you will accuse me of being racist for pointing it out. But the facts are leaning in my favor buddy.
And I did not see any joke in what you said, nor was I even responding to you in the first place. Try harder to be funny?
Anyways Ive said my piece. Anyone who wants to debate can just read my prior post.