» Sat May 28, 2011 3:18 pm
Absolutely!!! Redguards are practically my favourite race, placing just a narrow second behind Imperials. I love their culture, background, history and general world. However, I feel that this is poorly represented inside the games themselves as Redguards are simply made out to be the 'black humans' instead of the wholly unique and amazing race they are.
Instead of merely giving them Afros and dreadlocks (you can do better Bethesda :rolleyes:) I'd love for them to be as fleshed out ingame as they are in the lore. I want their warrior culture to be present at all times, but I also want to see their cultural divisions. I want them to be physically distinguishable from the other races as the lean, athletic men they are. I want justice done to them at long last, for they truly are an amazing race.
I feel that the most well developed races so far are Dunmer and (to a lesser extent) Imperials. This is no suprise, since these peoples' home provinces were covered in games, but really, in comparison Redguards (as well as say Bosmer and Orsimer) have barely a fraction of that 'substance' included ingame. I can only hope that, with Skyrim sharing a border and troubled history with Hammerfell, Redguards will be a little more prominent in The Elder Scrolls, becoming the mighty seafaring masters of combat they are in lore instead of merely being 'the black option'.
For the record, I'm white and that's no barrier for me to love Redguards as much as I do; I pretty much relate more to Redguards than say Nords or Bretons (though I'm closer to Imperials mind you), but really this is shallow in itself. The challenge of a roleplaying such as in the TES series is not to convey your own identity within the gameworld, but rather to craft a new one within it, adhering to its principles. With such a large selection of races with rich backstory and a huge difference between them, everyone has a race they prefer, and Redguards are it for me (along with Imperials).