-=Short Hand Question=-
We currently have, (to the best of our knowledge anyway) 10 weapon classes. Would you like to have more, & more of them?
I am not suggesting GUNS! Projectile weapons that fit the time period and technological standing only.
(see expanded details for information on POSSIBLE weapons.)
So we have about 10 weapon classes counting mage staff's. I for one would like to see that number go up to at least 25, 20 or so. Also I would like to see each one have more then 14 (14 being the highest number of variants for weapon class's.) weapon variants to those weapons. If not okay I can live with it but set the minimum at 11 or so. So making your suggestions to add to the list put in your mind that your thinking Renaissance back weapon style. Obviously the ranged weapons are hitting a crisis that we didn't realize. People are holding on too much to the past and it's actually hurting the game. I don't even think they realize what there doing. You simply cannot see the passage of time from Morrowind to skyrim. The technology and society hasn't really changed all that much. It is not only ridiculous to assume they would do that, but it is illogical.
Basically a good argument is that all the weapons look TOO good, like they were all made by the same person all there styles are the same. So to change this up we need to devise a system for weapons to change, if you have been using the same weapon for a long time it doesn't stay the same. It ships and, as you sharpen and repair it the blade gets smaller and thin. So if there could be some distinction between all the weapons even if there in the same class it would go a long way. not asking for a radical TOTAL rebuild of the original art just that it's randomized on default weapons. Not all the swords and bows look the same. Like they change color over time or rust if you don't take care of it. Something very small. Also don't limit it to just the player like was done in New Vegas for weapon mods.
here are some possible weapons to add.
-Picks, morrowind had one I believe.
-Mage Staff's and wands
-Cross Bow
-Long Bow
- Throwing Axe
- Throwing Spear
- javelin
-Seige engine (like obvlivion but the early kinds) Only in appropriate places.
- Flail
-One handed hammer's
For some more detail on Medievil weapons and armor actually, check out this link; http://www.swordsknivesanddaggers.com/product/SKD-A0006/Medieval_weapons_Glossary.aspx | http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/middle-ages-weapons.htm
Magic could really go a LOOOOONG way. Such as fire bombs ect. But that deserves it's own thread and not by me.
If you can add anything and more then two people like it ill put it up there.