The graphics are far beyond Oblivion. You do realize that this trailer and all the screenshots shown are from the 360 so you have to compare them to other 360 versions of games, not the PC versions. Yes, it's only 1.5x better looking than PC Oblivion, but that's saying something seeing as how Skyrim 360 is 50% better looking than the PC version of Oblivion. The 360 version of Skyrim even looks better than Nehrim, and Nehrim is gorgeous.
Actually, I was comparing it to the Xbox 360 version. As that was the very first version I played and I remember that one more fondly. :shrug:
No, it looks much better than Oblivion. I played Oblivion, today... a console version, too. That Skyrim trailer showed graphics far superior to Oblivion. 2000x is clearly an exaggeration, but 1.5x is incredible. If you honestly mean 1.5x, even though I'm not quite sure how one measures graphical improvement in such a way, I would think you would know that 1.5x would be quite a bit.
First, you need to know basic math. If something is 1x as good as something else, that means it's just as good. Therefore, 1.5 means it technically looks about the same as it, but a bit better. I wouldn't say 2x, because that won't be the case until the next generation of consoles.
Second, yes, that's a decent amount better, but not nearly as good as it could be.
The trailer was taken off of the 360. Meaning its using DX9, so with just DX9 support the game already looks that good. I don't get how you can even say its only slightly better than Oblivion, did you watch the same trailer? I'm pretty sure what I saw looked absolutely stunning. Whatever group of folks where working on the graphics have done an amazing job so far. And who knows if there will be DX10 or 11 support yet. If there is, I hope some of the PC users will quite complaining. And even if there is only DX9, like I said before, gameplay looks stunning
What parts look bad to you people? The tiny little pixelated details that no one even pays attention to besides the graphics Nazis?
And if no one understands that 2000x is a hyperbole, please go have your head examined.
You apparently don't know how API's work. Just because something is developed for the Xbox 360 doesn't mean it's forced to be DX9. Case and point, Just Cause 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Both were made for consoles, and both can or do run on different APIs. Just Cause 2 is strictly DX10 on the PC version, while Bad Company 2 has the choice of being DX9, DX10, or DX11.
Yes, we did watch the same trailer. I even downloaded it onto my computer at the highest quality to make sure I watched it in the highest quality.
That's great that it looked absolutely stunning TO YOU, but TO ME, it only looks marginally better.
Yes, great job for a console. For a PC, visuals like this are almost a dime a dozen.
Please refer to what I said above about APIs and personal opinions on graphics.
Let's see here. The textures still look quite low-res, hair looks horrid, water doesn't look nearly as good as how Pete was putting it. Anything else you want me to list?
And yes, I understood that was a hyperbole. Why else did you think I laughed at it? :shrug: