To answer questions about whether Skyrim will run better on next-gen systems, it won’t.
Actually it will probably run worse, or not at all.
Console games aren’t like PC games, they’re designed to work only on the console they were made for.
The reason you can run older Xbox and PS2 games on the new systems is because of "emulation".
If Microsoft and Sony decide not to include emulators on their new systems ( and they will not...) then you won’t be able to play your last gen games on them at all.
> (Case in point, Morrowind for Xbox runs significantly worse on Xbox 360.) <
Better hardware won’t magically make the game run better, the games are designed to take advantage of only the specific specs of the console.
(Szenario: What would happen if you tried running a Windows application from a PC on a PS3 Cell processor.
Probably it would run with some minor changes like a P4 processor, crap... but recoding it from scratch only for the Cell processor
believe me, not even a i7 would come close.)