Skyrim NPC Relationships: Friendships, Romance, Marriage, Di

Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:42 am

Moving on from the various NPC races,

Which type of NPC will you marry or pursue a romance with, in terms of their job?

  • Baker
  • Fisherman/woman
  • Blacksmith
  • Woodcutter
  • Servant
  • Farmer
  • Thief
  • Archer
  • Healer
  • Conjurer
  • Illusionist
  • Destruction Mage
  • Arena Gladiator
  • Adventurer
  • Warrior
  • Guard
  • Bandit
  • Scribe at College of Winterhold
  • Powerful Mage at College of Winterhold
  • Companions Member
  • Companions Leader
  • Thieves' Guild Member
  • Thieves' Guild Leader
  • Dark Brotherhood Member
  • The Listener
  • Greybeard
  • Ice Vampire
  • Member of a Ruling Clan
  • Clan Leader (the Jarl)
  • A Giant
  • Rebel Soldier
  • Rebel Leader
  • Empire Soldier
  • Empire Leader
  • A Racist Nord
  • An Oppressed Dark Elf
  • Professional six Witch :goodjob:

You forgot one

A lusty Argonian Maid
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:26 am

I guess it has a lot to do with what kind of character you will play.

I'm not sure personally, I'm thinking maybe I will play an Argonian wizard, a Khajit archer, or an Orc bandit.

in which case, I would look for a woman that fit with my character.

The barmaid from the screenshot looks nice, of course, but maybe it would be fun to date a woman who is powerful in the world, like the female head of all the Imperial Guards, if I'm playing a thief character
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stevie trent
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:28 pm

So romance and marriage have been confirmed? I somehow missed it :confused:
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:44 pm

So romance and marriage have been confirmed? I somehow missed it :confused:

Here is a link:
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neil slattery
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:53 am

Depends on my character. My first character is a Dunmer so i'll likely go from there.
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alicia hillier
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:01 am

I'ma cheat cus i'm cool like that.... >.>
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:59 am

Depends on my character. My first character is a Dunmer so i'll likely go from there.

Have you decided what kind of class specialization yet?
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Timara White
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:46 am

Here is a link:


This is great news. I have never felt this hyped for a game. But I prolly said that about Oblivion to ^.^
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Shae Munro
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:42 am


This is great news. I have never felt this hyped for a game. But I prolly said that about Oblivion to ^.^

yeah I was really surprised about marriage, as well - that came completely out of left field!
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:12 pm

I think the inclusion of marriage in an RPG is sort of cute. It's yet another extension of a character's life given recognition or visual representation in the game, so viewed objectively it has no more or less value than cutting wood or purchasing property as a feature.

I've also seen enough of many roleplayers' true natures to realise that at least half of the people vehemently opposed to romantic and sixual themes in their games-- straight or gay, vanilla or... not -- will secretly make frequent use of them.

But unless Beth's writers really surprise me, I can't foresee any of my characters getting hitched to NPCs, or having meaningful relationships of any kind. I hope the inclusion of romance & marriage leads to some more interesting companion NPCs, though; having appropriate NPCs along for the adventure would be more appealing if there was some implication of affection and/or sixual attraction in their dialogue and behaviours. Wouldn't mind a few moon-eyed former slave girls, fledgling mages or vampire thralls running around after my character, as long as they realise that war, weapons and dusty roads to nowhere are her only wives and husbands.

I'm not optimistic about how well (and perhaps more importantly, how subtly) such relationships can be written, though. I've always thought such writing in BioWare's games -- often spoken of highly among the CRPG crowd -- was atrocious, so I fear my standards are too high for Skyrim's to have much hope of drawing me in.

Wouldn't she be really old, if she is still alive?

Dude, characters like her can be like 1000 years old and still ultra-gorgeous.
Rules of Fantasy? #199: Powerful female antagonists with elaborate titles are totally hot regardless of age.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:17 am

Moving on from the various NPC races,

Which type of NPC will you marry or pursue a romance with, in terms of their job?

I'm not sure yet. My character will be a mostly goodly guy not opposed to stealing if need be but not a murderer. I think I'm going to go the magician route mostly but I also plan to do some stealth. It may turn out I end up doing something totally different in the end. I wouldn't restrict potential friend or romance options based solely on the occupation or rank of another character unless that occupation or rank was too evil. I wouldn't have my character being too friendly with racists either.

I'm probably going to support the Empire, but not if it's become twisted. The second part of the story from The Infernal City isn't out yet and even then there's no telling if a Mede dynasty shaped by an honorable Attrebus would actually last.
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Misty lt
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:17 am

Dude, characters like her can be like 1000 years old and still ultra-gorgeous.
Rules of Fantasy? #199: Powerful female antagonists with elaborate titles are totally hot regardless of age.

Wow, do you guys really think it would be possible to romance the Wolf Queen of Solitude? :wub: :shocking:
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:12 pm

Wow, do you guys really think it would be possible to romance the Wolf Queen of Solitude? :wub: :shocking:

Who in Alvor's beard is the "Wolf Queen of Solitude"?
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:39 am

Wow, do you guys really think it would be possible to romance the Wolf Queen of Solitude? :wub: :shocking:

I plan On Trying, Even If she's Dead,
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:46 am

Who in Alvor's beard is the "Wolf Queen of Solitude"?

Few historic figures are viewed as unambiguously evil, but Potema, the so-called Wolf Queen of Solitude, surely qualifies for that dishonor. Born to the Imperial Family in the sixty-seventh year of the third era, Potema was immediately presented to her grandfather, the Emperor Uriel Septim II, a famously kindhearted man, who viewed the solemn, intense babe and whispered, “She looks like a she-wolf about ready to pounce.”

Potema's childhood in the Imperial City was certainly difficult from the start. Her father, Prince Pelagius Septim, and her mother, Qizara, showed little affection for their brood. Her eldest brother Antiochus, sixteen at Potema's birth, was already a drunkard and womanizer, infamous in the empire. Her younger brothers Cephorus and Magnus were born much later, so for years she was the only child in the Imperial Court.

By the age of 14, Potema was a famous beauty with many suitors, but she was married to cement relations with King Mantiarco of the Nordic kingdom of Solitude. She entered the court, it was said, as a pawn, but she quickly became a queen. The elderly King Mantiarco loved her and allowed her all the power she wished, which was total.

When Uriel Septim II died the following year, her father was made emperor, and he faced a greatly depleted treasury, thanks to his father's poor management. Pelagius II dismissed the Elder Council, forcing them to buy back their positions. In 3E 97, after many miscarriages, the Queen of Solitude gave birth to a son, who she named Uriel after her grandfather. Mantiarco quickly made Uriel his heir, but the Queen had much larger ambitions for her child.

Two years later, Pelagius II died — many say poisoned by a vengeful former Council member — and his son, Potema's brother Antiochus took the throne. At age forty-eight, it could be said that Antiochus's wild seeds had yet to be sown, and the history books are nearly pormographic in their depictions of life at the Imperial court during the years of his reign. Potema, whose passion was for power not fornication, was scandalized every time she visited the Imperial City.

Mantiarco, King of Solitude, died the springtide after Pelagius II. Uriel ascended to the throne, ruling jointly with his mother. Doubtless, Uriel had the right and would have preferred to rule alone, but Potema convinced him that his position was only temporary. He would have the Empire, not merely the kingdom. In Castle Solitude, she entertained dozens of diplomats from other kingdoms of Skyrim, sowing seeds of discontent. Her guest list over the years expanded to include kings and queens of High Rock and Morrowind as well.

For thirteen years, Antiochus ruled Tamriel, and proved an able leader despite his moral laxity. Several historians point to proof that Potema cast the spell that ended her brother's life, but evidence one way or another is lost in the sands of time. In any event, both she and her son Uriel were visiting the Imperial court in 3E 112 when Antiochus died, and immediately challenged the rule of his daughter and heir, Kintyra.

Potema's speech to the Elder Council is perhaps helpful to students of public speaking.

She began with flattery and self-abasemant: “My most august and wise friends, members of the Elder Council, I am but a provincial queen, and I can only assume to bring to issue what you yourselves must have already pondered.”

She continued on to praise the late Emperor, who was a popular ruler in spite of his flaws: “He was a true Septim and a great warrior, destroying — with your counsel — the near invincible armada of Pyandonea.”

But little time was wasted, before she came to her point: “The Empress Magna unfortunately did nothing to temper my brother's lustful spirits. In point of fact, no [censored] in the slums of the city spread out on more beds than she. Had she attended to her duties in the Imperial bedchamber more faithfully, we would have a true heir to the Empire, not the halfwit, milksop bastards who call themselves the Emperor's children. The girl called Kintyra is popularly believed to be the daughter of Magna and the Captain of the Guard. It may be that she is the daughter of Magna and the boy who cleans the cistern. We can never know for certain. Not as certainly as we can know the lineage of my son, Uriel. The last of the Septim Dynasty.”

Despite Potema's eloquence, the Elder Council allowed Kintyra to assume the throne as the Empress Kintyra II. Potema and Uriel angrily returned to Skyrim and began assembling the rebellion.

Details of the War of the Red Diamond are included in other histories: we need not recount the Empress Kintyra II's capture and eventual execution in High Rock in the year 3E 114, nor the ascension of Potema's son, Uriel III, seven years later. Her surviving brothers, Cephorus and Magnus, fought the Emperor and his mother for years, tearing the Empire apart in a civil war.

When Uriel III fought his uncle Cephorus in Hammerfell at the Battle of Ichidag in 3E 127, Potema was fighting her other brother, Uriel's uncle Magnus in Skyrim at the Battle of Falconstar. She received word of her son's defeat and capture just as she was preparing to mount an attack on Magnus's weakest flank. The sixty-one-year-old Wolf Queen flew into a rage and led the assault herself. It was a success, and Magnus and his army fled. In the midst the victory celebration, Potema heard the news that her son the Emperor had been killed by an angry mob before he had even made it for trial in the Imperial City. He had been burned to death within his carriage.

When Cephorus was proclaimed Emperor, Potema's fury was terrible to behold. She summoned daedra to fight for her, had her necromancers resurrect her fallen enemies as undead warriors, and mounted attack after attack on the forces of the Emperor Cephorus I. Her allies began leaving her as her madness grew, and her only companions were the zombies and skeletons she had amassed over the years. The kingdom of Solitude became a land of death. Stories of the ancient Wolf Queen being waited on by rotting skeletal chambermaids and holding war plans with vampiric generals terrified her subjects.

Potema died after a month long siege on her castle in the year 3E 137 at the age of 90. While she lived, she had been the Wolf Queen of Solitude, Daughter of the Emperor Pelagius II, Wife of King Mantiarco, Aunt of the Empress Kintyra II, Mother of Emperor Uriel III, and Sister of the Emperors Antiochus and Cephorus. Three years after her death, Antiochus died, and his — and Potema's — brother Magnus took the throne.

Her death has hardly diminished her notoriety. Though there is little direct evidence of this, some theologians maintain that her spirit was so strong, she became a daedra after her death, inspiring mortals to mad ambition and treason. It is also said that her madness so infused Castle Solitude that it infected the next king to rule there. Ironically, that was her 18-year-old nephew Pelagius, the son of Magnus. Whatever the truth of the legend, it is undeniable that when Pelagius left Solitude in 3E 145 to assume the title of the Emperor Pelagius III, he quickly became known as Pelagius The Mad. It is even widely rumored that he murdered his father Magnus.

The Wolf Queen must surely have had the last laugh.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:43 am

Who in Alvor's beard is the "Wolf Queen of Solitude"?
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:05 am

I've also seen enough of many roleplayers' true natures to realise that at least half of the people vehemently opposed to romantic and sixual themes in their games-- straight or gay, vanilla or... not -- will secretly make frequent use of them.

Hmm...interesting theory! :evil:
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:31 pm

I plan On Trying, Even If she's Dead,

Hands off my dead fiancee :swear: LOL I called dibs
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:52 am

Hands off my dead fiancee :swear: LOL I called dibs

We can Share!
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:19 pm

I'm not sure yet. My character will be a mostly goodly guy not opposed to stealing if need be but not a murderer. I think I'm going to go the magician route mostly but I also plan to do some stealth. It may turn out I end up doing something totally different in the end. I wouldn't restrict potential friend or romance options based solely on the occupation or rank of another character unless that occupation or rank was too evil. I wouldn't have my character being too friendly with racists either.

I'm probably going to support the Empire, but not if it's become twisted. The second part of the story from The Infernal City isn't out yet and even then there's no telling if a Mede dynasty shaped by an honorable Attrebus would actually last.

so would you be pursuing a romance with an NPC that is a similar class (for example, a thief if your character is a thief, mage if you are a mage), or a very different class from your PC?
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:13 am

By the way... do you happen to know what the fine is here in Skyrim for necrophilia? Just asking.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:42 am

By the way... do you happen to know what the fine is here in Skyrim for necrophilia? Just asking.

Was totally waiting for someone to quote that :laugh:

Here's an interesting question: now that relationships are confirmed, will there be specific interactive animations for it (hugging, kissing, etc), or will it all take place in dialogue? Note we have never seen so much as a handshake between two people in previous TES games, so you think that will change?
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{Richies Mommy}
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:50 am

so would you be pursuing a romance with an NPC that is a similar class (for example, a thief if your character is a thief, mage if you are a mage), or a very different class from your PC?

That depends on the NPC. I have no idea how this works or what the options will be. I definitely wouldn't confine it to the same class though, or even an NPC that has a combat class to begin with. We don't know just how many options there will be.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:59 am

Was totally waiting for someone to quote that :laugh:

Here's an interesting question: now that relationships are confirmed, will there be specific interactive animations for it (hugging, kissing, etc), or will it all take place in dialogue? Note we have never seen so much as a handshake between two people in previous TES games, so you think that will change?

If there are unique animations, I will be even more disappointed that they didn't add spears.
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sally coker
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:55 am

"If you anger your wife, do you think she might take out a contract on your life?"

I would be very happy if you could have an evil wife, ex-wife, or league of evil ex-wives.. send assassins to kill you.
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Charlotte X
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