I like Skyrim a lot. Just hit 100 hours and going strong. Oblivion lost me at around 85-90 hours. For some reason, the world felt lifeless to me. I hated how the area where all the main shops where in the Imperial City looked so empty and quiet. Skyrim is far from perfect, but the world feels so alive it made me quit auto-travel. I loved New Vegas, 175 hours on it even though I was pretty dissapointed with the strip, and how they divided it. But like many people here, I loved how you really changed the outcome of things and felt so free to try anything.I Skyrim railroads you a bit too much IMO.
Fallout 3 ia agame for the ages. The opening segment of that game is one of the most brilliantly done things ive seen in video games and Ive been palying games since the Atari days. You really felt the wonder and the fear of violently being thrust into a dangerous,unknown world. I logged over 500 hours on it. FONV almost as good, but what I think holds it back is how everything is supossed to be so large scales. Crowded cities like New Vegas and Armies? Sure you can use your imagination but when you got to the actual game everything was so low scale. I was sadly dissapointed in how short the final MQ mission is. I was expecting to fight an army, but apparently Caesar's army consisted of just less than a company. I saved 10 mininukes and I eneded up shooting them at Legendary Deathclaw, inside a cave, BTW. I So.. Fallout 3 all the way.
And why are people allowed to delete their vote? I just noticed that here. Is that on all polls, or is it an option for the person who polling?