Not sure how to pick a favorite, but I'd definitely put FO:NV at the bottom of the four. Mostly because I play Beth (and Beth-style) games more for the Random World Exploration than for the quests. And FO:NV is more about the quests - the world outside quest-related things is kind of boring. (Now, it may be unfair to be going into FO:NV expecting a "Beth-style" game just because it used the FO3 engine.)
...and the shame of it is, I have FO:NV installed right now but not FO3. Because I haven't figured out how to get it running on my new PC. Apparently it doesn't like quad-core processors and/or Win 7 x64. :tongue:
I have those things and FO3 is working for me. I didn't have to do anything but load it. I wish I knew about these things so I could help you get it going. I'm sure someone in the FO3 forums does though.
They left a lot out of FNV, empty houses, empty containers, it's just a lot more empty...the quests are good though, I agree.